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Past few days had been a deep dive inside his own head for Ryu shi-oh.

Tsetseg's words had stayed with him and
Her scent.

The drug he had taken a couple of minutes before had done nothing to numb the agony, Rather raised it ten fold.

Her words, her face, her scent was too vivid in his mind, he could almost feel her next to him.

He found himself relaxing, sinking his head back on the chair he was sitting, squinting his eyes shut tight, tight to the point they ached.

His world completely changed when he consumed the drug.
Marvellous white thing it was, his creation.

He had created it to feel what he naturally couldn't.


The shadows now gathered around his mind, like a tranquil room filling with smoke, alarming and scorching.
Implying an impending doom.

A ten year old boy forced to shoot the chained man.
Traitor, they had screamed.
'Traitors' are to be executed, no second chances.

He had felt sick, his body numb, the gun in hand had felt dead and heavy like a contract of damnation.
Even his own death he had felt would be a mercy.

A small boy he was once, but his innocence was ripped apart, tearing his sanity and conscience in shreds.
No one had cared.

He had looked around helpless,
Most desperate for someone to take him away, hands trembling and mouth dry, he had prayed then and there to be struck down rather than killing.

No one had answered his prayers.

His first kill was man who had tried escaping pavel, wanting to start a family.
His mind still felt haunted.
He would never forget the desperate look in the eyes of the person who was at his gunpoint.

He had pulled the trigger crying.
The pain of flogging fresh in his mind, disobedience was punishable with beatings.
It was the last time he had cried.
Now he knew both were worthless, crying and praying.

There was a slow burning pain in his chest.
Even the excruciating thirst caused by the drug felt like a mere prickle now.
The hollow in his chest felt gaping and even more stretching.

There was a knock on his office door.

'He's here, sir'
Mr Yoon had informed and then left closing the door shut.

Someone had barged in his office now.
Someone who was most unwelcome for Ryu shi-oh.

'Anton', a menacing russian voice said reaching his desk.

The man was tall and bulky.
Seating himself without a welcome he continued 'you are being stubborn and stupid now'

'Ivan, you already have my answer'
Shio said clenching his jaw.

Ryu Shi-oh had the sudden most violent urge to throw him away that instant, the drug dose had hightened his every sense, specially that of defence.

'Anton!', Ivan spat like poison.
'They want the samples of antidote'

'They have to wait then', shio smiled his most menacing smile now and then added 'for ever'.

Ivan had lunged for shio's neck, which he had predicted.
Suddenly Ivan found himself thrown a few feet away, at the entrance to office.

He had collided painfully with it,
Cracking a few bones.
The impact had knocked him out, making him go completely still.

Navigating his way to Ivan, Ryu shi-oh stopped for a moment by his golf kit, took a golf stick out and continued in Ivan's direction.

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