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Ryu Shi-oh

The office of Ceo Ryu shi-oh had never been more grim. He sat behind his desk, his eyes focused on the edged knife, held in his hands.

One may have thought he was calm and silently analysing the damaging catastrophe, it's edge could unfold.
But his insides were being licked by ignited fire of hatred, fear and dissatisfaction.

Two more people stood infront of him, their gazes on the floor and their demeanor expectant of some implosion.

Ryu Shi-oh couldn't decide what he wanted more, the instant combustion of the two idiots standing infront of him or beating them to their death, slowly and most intimately.

Eyeing the spot on his desk where his monitor used to be, he clenched his fists and spoke with venom in his voice, 'tell me again'.

There was no denying the threat and acidic spite in his voice, they both felt a fresh wave of terror.

'Sir, someone stole the monitor, all the cameras had been deactivated previous night and I've already requested the camera footages in nearby places.'

Shio stood and walked towards them, like prey they had no choice but to pray for the predator to show some mercy.
He looked at them with hostility and with one practiced swing he jabbed Kyle's leg with the knife.

The office was filled with his cries of surprise and agony.
Kyle had fallen on the floor, panting and apologising.

'Failing to protect my office is same as failing to protect me' shio said in clear and perfect Russian.
'and you have failed'

Shio couldn't comprehend who would have dared to barge in his office and take away his thing like that? There was no doubt, he was an expert, there was no trace of him, even the security footage had been disabled.

Image of Hwang gum ju, entered his mind.
The flippant woman had been at the forefront, when it came to curiosity of Dogoo's success and it's finances.
She was a stubborn and vile woman with no sense of decency and humility.

'the bearer certificates of Dogoo have been destroyed?' he asked his secretary Mr yoon
Distress evident in his voice.

'Yes sir, as you instructed'

'Get me more information on Hwang gum ju and dig if she was responsible for this'
He said calming down a bit and then added 'bring the first aid kit as well'

A few minutes later when when Mr Yoon had come back with information and Kyle had been properly tended to medically, shio resumed the interrogation.

'Describe who you saw'
His initial anger had ebbed away leaving a wake of facination and curiosity and a hint of annoyance.

'The person was dressed like a patient from asylum, absolutely deranged, like pregnant Spiderman but the mask was like that of a demon' Kyle said breathing heavy.

Shio had no idea what to make of this? This thief definitely had a sense of humor, but he wont anymore when he finally found him.

'he was very strong as well, he threw me away like rag doll and well the height'

Kyle struggled for a moment to find a perfect match of height same as the thief and then added,

'same as your bodyguard'.


'Height same as your bodyguard'

'He was strong, he threw me away'

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