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Thousand sunflowers bloomed,
My heart, a gold garden.

(This quote is something I believe Ryu Shi-oh must have felt if Namsoon ended up with him in the drama)


'And All the articles have been removed?'
Ryu shi-oh asked his secretary with a cold look, who was driving the car looking tense.

'Yes sir, every single one of them, and I've even made sure nothing more gets published' Mr Yoon replied, avoiding shio's unflinching callous gaze.

The previous night, Mr Yoon stood tongue tied with fear, anticipating the worst in front of ceo's desk, apologizing.
Ryu shi-oh had been furious about the articles and the incapacity of his secretary to inform him promptly and punctually about them.

The articles had circulated for some time, had he been informed before, the situation would have been better, he feared how far had they reached.
He was not sure if Pavel yet knew.

They would come for her, if they saw the article.

His blood ran cold for a moment as he recollected, the previous night, the warmth and innocence of her face as she sat beside him on the sofa gushing about books with twinkling eyes and a dazzling smile.

Even the thought of her strength was not consoling for some reason.
He did not want any of those people even eyeing her, let alone be in her vicinity.
He would rip them apart if they did, no one would touch her.

Shio looked out the window, trying to compose his face and brighten his gloomy demeanor, The situation was under control for now.
He smiled then looking at the familiar route his car was on and felt a rush of excitement thinking of the destination.


Tsetseg had just woken up and she was already running late.

After a hurried bath, she quickly got dressed and brushed her hair, braiding the front hair at both sides with red beads and letting rest of her thick hair down, like a dark waterfall.

She looked at her reflection,noticing the slight heaviness under her eyes.
She had cried herself to sleep yesterday.

Shio's ten year old picture again made her heart twinge, as she remembered his bruises, his pleading eyes brimming with fear and hopelessness.

She was pulled out of her thoughts abruptly, her phone was ringing.
She recieved the call. It was Hee-sik.
He had asked if she could meet him today.

'I am already late today, maybe in the evening or night?'
She asked slightly worried.
What was the matter now?

'Call me when you are free then, it's something important'
He said, emphasizing the word free with contempt.


She had just ended the call when she heard a knock on the door.
Steading her heart, she tip toed towards it, feeling dread.
Who was it? It was definitely not Hee-sik or mother and she was not expecting anyone.
Could it be someone dangerous?

She peeked through the door.

It was Ryu Shi-Oh, standing at a respectable distance from door, fixing his tie and then his hair.
She felt her heart filling with glee.

Opening the door at once, she looked up at him in suprise, what was he doing here?

For some reason she felt wounded looking at his face, it was the same as 10 year old in her phone but matured with suffering into a stoic yet chiseled face.
He had gone through all that when he was a child, when she was enjoying her life with her parents being free and lively.

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