ch-6 continued.

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I had a sudden urge to leave, was he toying with my mind? I didn't like the way my head and body reacted around him.

If he wished to play around, I could too and better.
'Do you want to be my friend?'

'I do', he was playing along but looked actually eager, must be good at acting.
Extending my phone towards him I asked for
his number, he took it gently.

His look was that of surprise but a hint of triumph as well, there was no way he wanted this. What was his deal?

I looked around, the place was rather neat and organized, he handed the phone back to me smiling nervously now, I smiled back.
You wont be smiling like that when I smack you, the irritated voice in my head bellowed.

'we have exchanged numbers now, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?' he asked looking hopeful.

'Not tonight, i have plans', I looked into his eyes to find them churning with questions and curiosity, he did look disappointed a bit.

'I'll need to wait then', he said playfully,
His eyes scanned my face and kept going back to my hair and braids.
'Your hair are exquisite and unique as well' he breathed.

I touched my hair, unconsciously pulling at the beads, my heart was in frenzy again.
I couldn't bear it any longer, I stood up and apologized one last time, ready to leave.

Before I could move, he grabbed my wrist standing up as well, his grip was not harsh rather firm but gentle.
Saying he was tall was not enough, he did not tower over me, he sky scrapped over me.

He was standing too close with my wrist in his grip, the circumstances were proving to be a test of my patience today.
I looked up to find him looking down obviously but expectant.

'Dont forget to give me a call, I'll treat you to nice dinner'
I was tempted to say I will forget what would you do?!

I nodded looking down at his hand on my wrist, his eyes followed mine.
'oh yes' he released my hand, looking away flushing red.

I immediately rushed out of his office.
Seriously who was this guy?
I rushed down the stairs, it was almost dark now, I'll need to take a cab.

I exited the building in a hurry, eager to be away from it and the ceo.
All the time there was a thought nagging at the back of my mind. Was he the drug lord?
He didn't seem evil, not entirely innocent either but definitely not cruel or heartless.

There was something sinister about him dark even but evil? I simply didn't know.
I was halfway home when I decided to share with gan I sik what had happened.
Rummaging through my pockets I realised much to my dismay and horror, I had left the phone back at his office.


The sight of Dogoo filled me with despair one more time, I should have been home by now instead, here I stood glaring at the building.

Making my gloomy way up the stairs, I sighed, this was a long day. My heart pounding I pushed the door to his office open.
I should have knocked.

'Im sorry, I left my pho-'
I was cut off mid sentence by the sight that greeted me.
His was upper body was naked, glistening with sweat, he had been doing push ups.
I quickly averted my eyes, my mouth dry.

I'm so sorry ceo' I stutterd, fully facing the other direction now, my cheeks felt hot,
God this was embarassing.
But wait he's the one who's naked not me why am I flustered?
I faced him my eyes still averted.

He looked up not even slightly startled, he just laughed moving casually towards his shirt.
He was not in a hurry to put it on.
'Thats fine, your phone is on the table'
Was he teasing me now? He knew I'll be back.

I hurriedly moved towards my phone, snatching it up I dashed towards the door.

'you had plans Tsetseg?' he asked not naked anymore, I reluctantly smiled, 'I do but I guess I'll be late now'
What's with him and that notorious smirk?
'Alright' he nodded, was there jealousy in his eyes?
He visibly struggled to ask more, i knew he was holding himself back.

'Dont you have the money to go to gym?'
I asked, he only laughed 'Do you go to gym Tsetseg?' his eyes shined with curiosity now.
He moved towards the drink kept on his table, without leaving my eyes.
'I don't need to,' i replied flipping my hair.
He smirked knowingly and chugged the liquid down.

'What are you drinking?'

'Something that keeps me sane' he looked solemn now.

'Ill be off now' I was eager to leave now.

'Let me drop you off' he offered.

'No that's fine, i like to do things myself'

'Alright see you tomorrow then' his smile was genuine this time.

'btw you've put the shirt buttons in wrong button holes' i pointed out.

He looked down shocked and completely caught off guard.
I couldn't help but laugh.


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