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The atmosphere in Dogoo stood testimony to the upcomming upsurge of absolute chaos. Employees ran from one place to another, fulfilling commands of their seniors in hopes of lessening the mounting burden.

The ceo had gathered his legal team to take actions against the allegations that were being thrown at him from a new and not so  surprising source that was Geumju news channel.

The news had spread like wildfire, as they had revealed the words about puffer jacket and the contents lying inside. 

However it was not shown yet.

Ryu shi-oh had  to react fast considering his dilemma to resolve conflict at both fronts
which were pavel and now public as well.

He moved towards the exit of his office with a grimace, however his face became tranquil at the sight of the door opening and her arrival.

'Tsetseg come with me today, we have to seperate friends from foes'
His eyes couldn't help but notice  the existence of pain in her eyes, as if she wanted to say something important but thought better of it.

'I have to stay today, the work is crazy so go ahead.'

'Alright then'
The palpitations of his heart rose with slight disappointment but she was right, there was a lot  of stuff to be done here in his office building.

He proceeded to walk out of the office with Kyle following closely behind.

'When will you be back?'

He stopped in his tracks while trying to conceal the smile threatning to spill on his face.

'Why? will you miss me?'
Her face became lush with a faraway look, as if lost in memories of some long lost days.

She nodded her head unconsciously, his eyes did not miss the slight moisture in her eyes or the lines between the eyebrows that hinted at something painful.

'I long for something that never was'

She had again muttered in her native tongue Mongolian to say the truth but to hide it, the same thing she had done in the past when she had muttered that she indeed was Gang namsoon.

'Should I learn your language? You keep saying things unconsciously without telling me afterwards '
His smile sobered at her expression.
There on her face sat a blank seriousness, something he hadn't seen before.


'Would you tell me what that means?'

This time she smiled but not without effort.

'I keep spewing nonsense, you know I am naive and a fool in that way'

A few minutes later when Ryu shi-oh settled in his car, he couldn't quite pinpoint what had unsettled him?

The whole trouble as the ceo or pavel or Tsetseg entirely?

The huge chunk, he decided was her.
All of a sudden in his mind he was back in the orphange talking to beom, spewing out lies as how little Tsetseg mattered, how naive and foolish she was.

She was anything but that.

Tsetseg's words had reminded him of exactly that, as if she knew.
There was no way she could be there, no one knew about that place other than his secretary.

Had he or someone in his company unconsciously made her feel like that? He made a mental note to ask her what exactly was wrong and what had troubled her.

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