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The car ride though engulfed in silence, couldn't calm the havoc of thoughts in the minds of the passengers.

'I will Protect you'
The little creature sitting beside him, looking out of the window animatedly had said.
No matter how many times he tried pursuing his mind to think of his business, his meetings, it stayed put, buzzing around the girl and her words.

He remembered then, his 5 year old self, abandoned, crying in the cold with no one to offer any warmth. The brooding and menacing faces of the people in freezing dungeons.
Being neglected by his parents had made him more numb than any frost could.

His struggles, he winced as he tried to find an ounce of emotion in diabolic people around, his ten year old self starving, cold and broken as he was too weak to beat his opponents and win some bread to sustain his stomatch, wrenching with hunger and emptiness.

'Protect you'
His eyes grew moist with an unknown emotion.
Keeping his face averted to the window, he tried taming the waves of unexpected longing, wreaking havoc on his shores.
Even his hands trembled.

He clenched his fists, remembering the yearing he had felt for those words, what he wouldn't have given, for someone, for once to say them, to have his back, patting it.
Assuring him.

He promptly felt rush of emotions for the tiny girl beside him.

He suddenly didn't want the clients to gaze at her or anyone for that matter.
He wanted to shield her.

'You want to keep her close, by your side that's what you want' his mind said
He had truly desired her powers in the beginning, but lately the prospects of desiring her, all of her, had taken a firm shape in his mind, he wanted to make her his.
A smile danced across his face now, he had come to terms with his wants.

For once he was not complaining to his thoughts running wild and raw.
He looked in her direction, enjoying the sight as well as the proximity.

Tsetseg looked around just in time to catch him gazing and then hurriedly looking away facing the window, smiling like an idiot.
What had happened?
But she couldn't deny, a rush of happiness when she saw him happy.

She didn't know what to expect, but one thing she knew firmly was that he was honest.
She had expected him to lie about fears and many other things but he had proven to be rather direct and truthful.

She remembered, the raw emotions and vulnerabilityshe saw in his eyes when he had conveyed his fears.
He didn't seem like a monster a drug dealer just then.
She felt truly conflicted now.

Turning her head she found him already staring, with eyes brimming with an emotion she couldn't quite figure, but warm.
This time he didn't shy away from her gaze, rather kept his eyes locked, grinning softly without blinking.

'Shio tell me the one thing you absolutely dislike and one thing you love'

He looked surprised, he still couldn't get used to his name being called out casually from her lips.
But answered in a heartbeat.
'I hate lies, I love well this is something I've never thought before but winning and freedom.'
'what about you?' he questioned back.
Growing curious.

'I hate crying and love vast fields and spaces but I guess food more'
Their eyes met and they busted out laughing.
Shi-oh couldn't get enough of her chaos, she was a wicked little creature who had a way with words and dramatic gestures.

On the other hand Tsetseg found herself being proud, she had made him laugh, it was rich deep and carefree, the peeking dip in his cheeks made his laughter even brighter.

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