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Ryu shi-oh's  office echoed with multiple voices, questioning and answering.

He sat at the on the sofa placed at the end of two rows of sofas, facing each each other with tables seperating them.

The meeting with the VIPs had been going fairly smooth, although he had worried considering their doubts and lately the image his company had, owing to some scandals.

Nonetheless, the situation was under his control once again.
Greed for profits and huge sums of money could never fail to sway those vipers.

He wanted to conclude the meeting swiftly.

A sudden hush settled over the conversations at the sound of the door banging open.
Several heads turned in its direction including his own.
No one was allowed to interrupt and that too like a gangster.

The sight quickened his heart, setting his eyes ablaze.
His favourite person, his only person was here.

With a start he realised the transition.

Her attire had completely changed, earlier she was mostly clad in soft and vibrant colours with colourful beads adorning her thick hair, now she was dressed in a tight black suit, her hair fell like a dark fountain, flowing down her shoulders, plain without any braids or beads.

That's when he noticed her face, it was sinister for some reason.
He noticed her eyes when she had stopped for a moment to look at him.

Her gaze felt different, for a split second he thought he saw hatred boiling in her eyes, but how could it be?

There was definitely something wrong, her face was concerned.
She walked towards him, completely ignoring everyone else.

'We will continue this meeting some other time'
He concluded immediately, sending a clear message of 'get out'.

The crowd thinned instantly leaving them alone.

'Tsetseg, where we-'

'Look at this' she cut him off, showing him the article.
'I saw this a few minutes ago'

He clenched his teeth, going through the article.
That detective had openly accused him, claiming the puffer jacket came from Dogoo and it contained drug.

There were many other details, however still he couldn't prove it came from Dogoo.
The team leader of his drug unit had died working on the case, leaving behind a journal which he had submitted as well.

One thing was clear, he was soon going to submit the jacket for upper inspection, dragging his name everywhere.
He would need to pull a few strings in his favour.

'Sir, we have a problem'
His secretary barged in, swiftly.

'Mr Yoon, I already know, Tsetseg already informed me, please wait outside'
He replied comming back to his senses.

He looked back at her noticing her intense gaze, as she kept looking at him without a word.

'Tsetseg, has something happened?'
He asked handing back the phone.

'No' she said shaking her head a bit and smiling.

'What are you going to do?'
She asked pointing at the phone.

He wanted to tell her everything but realised it was best to keep things concealed for her own sake, for the time being.
The less she knew the better.

'Its nothing to worry about, I will handle it'
He said wanting to reassure her, easing the worry lines on her head.

'The allegations are too much, aren't they?'

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