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'I told you she is ignorant, not aware about the real business'
He had exclaimed with a cruel grin without knowing, how deep his words had cut.

The dark loop of previous night's events, ran in my mind, as I lay on the bed curled up on my side with no desire to do anything.

It was funny how things could go from vibrant to charred in a matter of seconds, rendering everything you had known most useless and questionable.

I was brimming with curiosity and multiple possibilities just a few hours ago, not knowing how stupid I had been this all time.

His cruel words were imprinted on my mind, making it nearly impossible to believe.
How could he?

'I was trained by Pavel itself, don't forget that and do you think I care about the victims?'
His laugh had been sudden, cold and mocking.
I couldn't believe how different  it rang with no humour and a frantic cruelty.
How had I missed it before? Was it because I was too blind?

I remembered with a jolt in my heart what hee-sik had said.
'You are going to regret this' his warming rang in my head mercilessly, as I tried for the millionth time, wiping the moisture gathered at the edges of my eyes.

I had been too stupid, too lost in my own world of fantasy, underestimating the words of wisdom other people had for me.

I had doubted myself, doubting my ears even after they rang with his poisonous words, of his wounding perspective on my character, my intellect.

The morning had washed all doubts considering what had happened.
There was an attack on my mother.
Fortunately she had dodged the shady figure, disabling him instead, however he had escaped.

My phone rang again.

Ryu Shi-Oh.

I tossed the phone away.
It was the only thing I could do to vent out the anger, I felt burning dangerously under my skin.
I couldn't face him just yet.
I was not sure how I would react.

For a few moments, I wanted to go back to how things were, maybe I had overlooked everything because I was in love.
Too naive, as he had said.

The gaping ache in my chest widened at this sad realisation.
Even now, I had wished to return back to the cruel fantasy, knowing very well that the end still would have been betrayal and remorse.

What had reduced me to such meagre and desperate means?
How had I become so weak?

There was a knock on the door, disturbing my chain of thoughts.

'Your mother would be out for the day, she requested me to inform you and she is fine'
Her secretary informed, closing the door shut after finishing.

I had rushed home in a daze, not knowing what exactly had happened.
Her face had calmed me instantly. She was fine and angry.
Whatever she had seen on my face had kept her from asking me anything, for the moment.

'I am fine, you didn't had to rush over, anyways you should rest you look drained'

Since then I had been lying on my bed like a corpse, crippled with a horrible sadness, unable to feel or think, loosing track of time.

Sometime in the afternoon my ringing phone caught my attention.
I got up to retrieve it from the floor, finally.


'Where are you Tsetseg? I've been trying to call you for an hour'
His heavy voice pulled me out of daze in once.
Something was wrong.

'What is it?'
I said clearing my throat. My voice sounded foreign to my own ears.

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