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Everything went in a dramatic slow motion, blurring my vision for a moment.
One thing my mind registered most accurately was the expression of horror and shock frozen on Shio's face.

Before the others could even respond, using my unnatural speed, I dived in between Shio and the one who had him on a gun point. Snatching away his gun, I sent him flying.
He landed far away,after painfully colliding with a broken cabinet and then lay motionless.

A hush settled for a moment, I looked around  when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Shio looked down at me with shock and admiration, I am sure there was something he wanted to say, his lips moved but silently.
I had left him speechless.

I eyed him for a moment , he looked different, his eyes darker than usual shined with an intensity that evoked fear in me.
His veins were visible, thick and unnaturally dark.
Is this is what drug did to him?

'Are you okay?' I asked, holding his hand that rested earlier on my shoulder.
This seemed to pull him out of the trance,
grabbing my shoulders with a bit of a force
he shook me a little, staring with vulnerable eyes that still managed to be intimidating.

'Tsetseg leav-'
He stopped mid sentence and with a growl, he pushed me out of the way.

The other man had advanced on us with an axe, missing us by inches.
If it was not for him, my head would have collided with it.

That man was not going to give up, he approached yet again.
Shio pushed me back, standing right infront of me, shielding me from him.
'stay back'
He murmured, under his breath.

The hooded man advanced again, raising up the axe but before he could swing it with force, I went behind him with agility and snatched it out of his hand.
He looked quite stupid, with his arm raised and a shocked expression on his face.

The situation was quite serious but I couldn't help but laugh at his expression, he turned towards me then, spitting something in russian like acid. Probably cussing?
In one swift motion, Shio had his hand cuffed around his neck like a noose, I could see the man struggle as Shio tightened his grip, lifting him up by the neck effortlessly.
He was dangling now, suffocated and on the verge of fainting.

Shio had a murderous expression on his face.

I knew if this went on any longer, that man would die.
'Shio stop it, you will kill him'
He looked at me, his eyes shining with hatred.
I saw the struggle in him to compose himself and let the man go.

'He was not  going to think twice before hurting you'
The man was pleading for his life now.

I said softly, with a slight pressure on his arm to lower him.

With a sigh, Shio let him go.
He fell with a thud and groaned, backing away from us.

'You are not going to die, but you won't leave either' Shio said lowering down to be at level with his eyes, hatred dripping from his voice.

I captured a slight movement through my peripheral vision.

Out of nowhere that man appeared, who I had thrown away in the beginning.
He was now moving towards Shio, with an iron rod, almost reaching him, I didn't even had time to blink.

'Shio' I said desperately, throwing myself infront of him.
This was all I could do.
The impact came almost instantly, the rod collided with the back of my shoulder.
I screamed in pain, falling on my side.

I heard his anxious voice laced with desperation and hysteria.

Through the daze, I heard some violent noises and then everything became slow and hazy.
There was a sharp pain in my shoulder, I tried moving but the slightest movement made my body drown in pain.
I felt nauseous.

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