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I looked around his place taking in the luxurious furnishings and elegant decor.
The place was beyond huge, spacious and overly extravagant doing absolute justice to its owners persona.

Shio had placed me with care, on a huge luxurious sofa, encircling a small but equally prestigious round table, supporting an exquisite vase and a tray with some glassware and bottles of amber liquid.

The ceiling, though modern and white was still adorned with a round broad chandelier,
from which hung pretty lights, casting a rainbow like effect, across the dark coloured walls.

He had offered me some water before leaving to fetch the medicines.

I gasped softly looking at my side, the whole running length of one side of the enormous room was plain glass, from bottom to ceiling, stretching into a never ending window.
It was like, the walls had melted in thin air, leaving the sight open, clear and breathtaking.

Beyond the bewitching window lay the narrowed view of the bustling, thriving city below, twinkling and shining like distant stars.

'Do you like it?'
I didnt realise my feet had taken me to the window, unconsciously.
Only when I heard his voice, wafting in my ears quite close from behind, I came to my senses.

'I do'
I breathed looking in his eyes.
'Though it can be a problem if you fear height or overthink, for example what if I lean on this and the glass cracks? sending me down to be a flattened, mongolian pancake.' 

He laughed differently this time, immensely free and uncontrolled, running a hand through his hair and taking my hand that I had placed on the glass to emphasize my point.

'That won't happen Tsetseg, though I love your wild imagination, I would like to know what goes on inside here'
He said pointing at my head, guiding me back to the sofa.

Handing me some medicines and a glass filled with water, he looked at me with smiling eyes.
Seeing him inside the walls of his house was like discovering a new side of him entirely.
He was more relaxed and casual.

'Well you don't want to know, my head is a mess and odd'
My eyes admired his forearms, bare and strong.
He had removed his waist coat and tie, rolling his sleeves up till the elbows.

I wanted to look away immediately, considering how intensely I had been ogling him but my eyes stayed glued, unashamed and firm.

'Why are you looking at me like that?'
He said leaning in, a bit playfully, knowing very well why.

'I haven't seen you this free and casual before, you seem different'
I muttered finally looking away, gulping visibly.
My face was on fire.

'I like enjoying the limited freedom my home offers,' his eyes roamed around as if looking for something and then came to rest on me.
'how about the lights? Plenty? No ghosts? No small space required?'
He said undoubtedly teasing.

'I like the lights and no ghosts yet, space is well fine' I said seriously, playing along as he tried to keep his face devoid of a grin.

'Well that solves the major problem, I was considering buying you a small house since the rooms here are not small enough at this place'
He said looking absolutely serious.

'Thats not needed, I was just joking'

'you misunderstood me as well, I meant a doll house, you are small enough and that house would be perfect for you.'
( This idea was suggested by one of the readers of this book taete_boo, thankyou babe)

It took me a while to understand, I gaped at him.

'Your sense of humour is broken'

I said, stony faced at first but couldnt stop the laughter bubbling inside my chest.
Throwing my head back I laughed like a wild monkey and then winced, nuzzling my shoulder still chuckling.

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