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I entered, stepping aside to give him space.

Locking the door, I lead him to the living room, cringing at the mess, I had completely forgotten about disarray of certain items.

Before he could enter, I grabbed his sleeve to stop him, a bit to hard, he gasped with shock, looking down at me quizically.

'Sorry Shio, but wait here for a moment'

He just nodded utterly confused standing in the aisle, rubbing the skin where I had touched and fixing his attire with a grin.

There were clothes and books lying randomly not to mention wrappers and empty cans.
This was ridiculous, I sprang towards the mess, gathering whatever my hands could reach and carried them away, to another room almost tripping on the mat.

When I was sure that my living room gave no indication of a psychotic person dwelling there I called out his name.

'Come on in now Shio and sorry for that, it was a bit messy in here'

He sauntered in, chuckling and then settled on the sofa, I had gestured towards.
'Thats fine' he said, gazing around the room with curiosity.

It felt a bit odd, him sitting in my living room, excusing the disarray and looking around as if it all was a very interesting artwork.

His Extravagant attire and lavish looks clashes with the homely character and modesty of my house.
He looked out of place and out of reach.
Yet there he sat, looking around with facination and utmost care.

'Can I get you something?' I asked already panicking, I only had tea and coffee and well nothing to eat.

'No, but thank you for inviting me in'
He smiled at me and then added looking around 'you said, you had a roommate?'

'She left a long time ago, now I have all this place to myself'
He remembered things with precision, I noticed.

His face broke in a grin seeing how happily I had exclaimed having the whole place to myself now'
'If you ever feel like finding another place with more privacy, call me'

'You don't like this place?'
I asked laughing lightly, again he had behaved like my mother. Show offs.

'No, I haven't seen a place more warm and welcoming, I was just implying you can come to me for help'
I nodded and went to sit beside him on the sofa.

He moved his entire body towards me, focusing on my face.
'You like history and detective novels?'
He asked pointing at the books, raising his eyebrows in interest.

'I love them, they are very engaging and fascinating, you know'
I said, breathing in to recite everything, now that he had asked about my favourite topic.

He was already all set, knowing very well I would be on a roll.

'My father always told me stories from Egypt to Peru to Incas to Greeks to Mayans, Aztecs, Mesopotamia, Indus, Central Asian steppe and chalcolithic nomadic cultures.
I was so facinated that I wanted to build a time machine to travel back and later an on i wanted to be an archeologist'
I laughed remembering my obsession.

He listened to my jabber with extreme focus and interest, his eyes smoldered as he drank my face flushed with excitement.

'and then literature is something I enjoy from poetry to novels specially the classics, though it was difficult for my father to get it for me but he always tried his best'
I said smiling sadly, remembering how long it had been without him and mother.

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