Ryu Shi-Oh🖤

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Sometimes what seems to be the reality is just isn't,
look beyond the veil,
emapthy and harmony as companions,
you might find the truth, that has been buried in the tunnels of mind ~


Standing infront of the large glass window Shi-oh sighed, it was time for yet another speech, at the heritage club for pleasing the VIPs . It was the priority.
Serpents! his mind rang with the word over and over again.

Each influential member had huge stake in the company, naturally keeping them swayed in his favour and ultimately Dogoo was a necessity. If it wasn't for this he might have considered biting their heads off and feeding them to the wolves.
They were not innocent.

Like a pack of hynes they were constantly hungry for power and money, he wanted to do away with them all but business was business.

The clock read 10 am, he still had a few minutes. lowering on the chair behind the huge table, he relaxed closing his eyes for momentary peace.

His mind couldn't help but flow back to the girl, who had mesmerized him dangerously.

He had found himself thinking about her more than he liked. It was becoming humilatingly distracting.
The girl was unbelievable. Strong and fast like a fictional character.

There was a day when he had considered that maybe he had finally gone insane,
but he knew what he had seen was true. It was seen by many others as well.
She had left people in utter awe and him in shambles, after a very long time too.
He smiled to himself.

How could a person so small and petite be that strong? it was beyond him.
Her display of strength has seared his mind and completely ensnared his senses.
No one had ever managed to lock his attention like that before.

I need to find her his mind bellowed desperately almost praying.
Maybe god was on his side , he mused.

Mr. Yoon the secretary found Shi-oh smiling utterly lost in his head. What possibly could be thinking, he asked himself. It was quite unlike him.

At his sight Shi-oh straightened, fixed his clothes and walked towards the door.
He was no longer smiling, it was time for business.

I will find you


This is not a chapter just pov.
I wanted to write something from his perspective as well.
We can expect shio and Tsetseg to meet soon^.^


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