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Hee-sik sat in his office feeling dread.

All the information regarding Dogoo he had stored in his device was gone.

With shaking fingers, he refreshed the device  again and again.
No impostor knew the password and the collected proofs couldn't just vanish in thin air.

He was infact planning to present every facet of truth to the world and surround that evil Ryu Si-Oh from all sides, without leaving any rote of escape for a scum like him.

He was the reason for the death of innocents  and his team leader.

He had also got to know from his one of his most important source at the moment that Ryu Si-Oh was operating alone.

He wanted to challenge pavel and take over their business and develop it into something even sinister.

One of his junior officer was currently undercover, working in Dogoo, giving him every possible information.
It was important because Gang namsoon was still reluctant to freely share the information.

With a painful pang in his heart, he pondered if she was too far gone, in the claws of that monster.

He couldn't understand her or her motivations or her purpose.

Earlier she had admitted that she liked that Ryu Si-Oh and then one day she had grown hateful of the same name.

What exactly was going on with her? He pondered with frustration.
What exactly she felt now? She surely was hoarding information and lying to him.

Maybe it was not entirely her fault but his, considering how persuasive and charming he could be.

His fists tightened in a painful lock.

Ryu Si-Oh was handsome, there was no denying that but he was not a good person, couldn't she see that?
Wasn't this enough for her to pull back and expose him?
To end every bit of facination she had?

He was a murderer, a cold hearted monster who went about selling drugs and destroying the lives of thousands of innocents.

Infact he now desired to overtake Pavel and   become an even bigger menace with that synthetic drug and it's antidote.

His heart quickened thinking about how desperately important it was to stop that man.
He had the drug and it's antidote.

A perfect recipe to wreak havoc and still remain untouched.

He remembered feeling even disheartened when he had inquired about the lab and its whereabouts. She had clearly declared of no knowledge of its location or detail, considering the visit was very confusing and  short.

'The whole place was like a large maze and I stayed behind most of the time, I did not want to go in further, there was nothing much to see as well'
She had said giving away nothing.

'Did you see the actual lab? Do you remember the exact location?'
He had asked, desperate for some details.

'No, the room was locked and I already told you, it was a very remote and confusing route, I don't remember it'

He had know already that she won't be of any help.
She had refused to take with her the watch with camera.

'He was suspicious about the camera before'

He couldn't stand it any longer, jumping up  from his seat he roamed around helplessly.

Even her mother seemed reluctant to share any information.

Had Namsoon wiped all the information from his device?

Had Ryu Shi-oh this amount of power over her? He was surely taking advantage of her.

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