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Is being without a home, crime?
and our old friend corruption and greed?
poverty is a crime?
and the people, who like poison inject false hopes in our bloodstreams?


A lot happened in short amount of time.

I finally retrieved my belongings from Gan i-seek and we even became friends, he sure is cute not to mention responsible and just, he even gave me a phone.
But that dude kept getting surprised by my supposed forwardness, it was hilarious.

'but you should learn the formal language',
he had suggested, 'you won't get in trouble then'
After thanking him I had just shooed him away.

Me and my vagabond friends tried finding small work in movies and got into a big fight with few hooligans who had destroyed our gers, we fought them and ended up in police station one more time.
I was extremely sad and felt hopeless .

No person wants to live a life of an isolated vagabond, people should understand this
they are humans too who require equal status and respect.

Just because they don't have a home it does not gives anyone the right to put them down, if you are capable then be a bit more for those who are in need.

Everyone deserves a second chance and a ticket to redemption, won't you feel the same if you were the offender? A second chance?

My vagabond friends had decided to part ways with me and go on their own journey.

'You made us belong somewhere Tsegtseg, we won't ever forget this', he had said before parting, for some reason it had touched me deeply.

The officer Gan I-seek very generously had offered me his residence as my temporary sanctuary.

At night he had informed me he knew who my mother was and I finally would be meeting her the next day.
This was enough to break the dam of my eyes, I had cried openly most transparently,
all my doubts my fears had vapourised.

I did not care if I looked like a drowned shrivelling cat,
the officer couldn't help but had tried calming me with words but then hugged me cautiously.

The relief I felt was beyond my senses.
Was he the one for me?
I definately felt warm and fuzzy from inside.


I couldn't wait for the morning, I'll be finally meeting my family tomorrow.


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