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Luckily I didnt see the ceo the next day, it gave  me immense relief and time to organise my thoughts, which were in a storm of turmoil.

I had told Hee-sik everything that had passed between me and the ceo, the previous day obviously leaving out certain graphic parts.
He was not happy about it, on the other pole  mother was fairly sure it was my fate and duty to fight for justice and punish the wrong.

Mr Heo had been keeping an eye on me on ceo's orders this much was evident, but why?
He surely didnt remember me from the airport? It was dark and I was too far away, he surely couldn't see my face let alone remember it accurately.

Also mother had mentioned meeting with him, she was fairly convinced Dogoo being financed by someone who would reek of foul play.

I was fairly sure she had been flippant and arrogant with him,provoking him.
He surely seemed the type who would keep an eye open cautiously for trouble and deal with it permanently and silently leaving no trace.
It was best to be lowkey if we were to investigate this guy.

You need to be careful me mind echoed
I had made sure to change the contact names in my phone in case he ever got a glimpse of it, last night could have been fatal had someone called.
I truly need to be on my gaurd now, but not too rigid either. Balance.

We'll see what this person's deal is. In any circumstance I found myself wishing he had some ounce of conscience and was not a puppet filled with hatred and maliace.

'You can't think like that' I chided myself, he is not innocent and certainly not trustworthy.

'But we dont know his story or his circumstances or anything, isn't it too soon to judge?'
My  mind debated with itself. Pathetic.

Everytime a voice in my head debated for him, the poison of guilt ate away at the peace of my mind.
Victims, Hee-sik and my mother were dependent on me, I couldn't let any cracks of doubt seep insecurity in my head.

But whats with his behaviour?
He smiles way too much for my liking, not to mention that infuriating smirk.
I didn't expect him to be this good humoured.
His acting skills were no joke then and he definately was up to something, for good for bad it was yet to be seen.

The day had passed in a haze, I was finally back home.

These days I found myself yearning to be in vast grasslands of Mongolia even more.
I missed the fields, the never ending green  space, the blue of the sky and my parents. I was blessed indeed to have two mothers and fathers who loved me equally, looked after me.
I was not alone, but loved and deeply cared for, my eyes misted.

Being devoid of this unconditional love of parents must be a curse, I wondered how cruel the fates can be to some people. I couldn't even imagine being like that.

Bouncing up from the bed I wiped my tears away, it was no use being this gloomy and sulky. I rushed down to the kitchen for food. I love food. Nam-in and I both have this in common and then we both decided to watch a funny movie.

Twilight melted into a dark moonless night outside.

It was finally time to lay down, I would have been lying if I said I was not apprehensive to go to work tomorrow. I had just laid down when I got a message.

It was from Ryu shi-oh.
'Please meet me in my office first thing in the morning, Tsegtseg'

My nerves were on edge again.
What did he want now?
Tossing my  phone away I slammed my head in the pillows and closed my eyes.
Sleep would be a mercy tonight.

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