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Ryu Shi-oh.

Sitting in the dimly lit room of his house,
Ryu Shi-oh agressively yanked the tie around his neck, throwing it away.
He went for yet another glass of alcohol, already loosing the count.
He had just finished texting Tsetseg.

He couldn't understand what had upset him more, almost ruining his image and upsetting Tsetseg or her injury or his uneasiness surrounding it?

Get a grip, don't feel he chided himself.
So what if she got hurt?
The thought felt empty and hollow even in his own head. lies.
He knew deep down what had vexed him.

He was no stranger to the sight of blood or gruesome injuries, but something about her small frame trembling and bleeding had left him uneasy and thoroughly displeased.
His chest had tightened painfully with horror and guilt.


This was new and unexpected.
But he knew she was not fragile.
She could crush him quite literally, today's adventure was a proof enough.

She was perfect for helping him in his endeavours, the path he had to walk was dangerous, he needed her support, and her? His mind chimed in, he winced at this.
Thoughts of her never failed to put him in a dangerously addicting mindset, of hope and amusement.

A smile spread across his face as he laid back, sinking his head in the soft cushions.
She was an exquisite little creature indeed with big innocent eyes and captivating looks, also her hair reminded him of an ink black night with beads instead of stars.
without drugs too, he laughed.

Everything she did, everything she said made him want to collect in the basket, in most private chamber of the mind for replaying and rewind.

Her casual speech, her forwardness and her casual threats entwined with insults towards him, he was beyond mesmerized
Hooked more so.
Even this feeling unsettled him but not in a horrible way, rather an opportunity that you are too afraid to welcome.

It had been eons, he thought. His hellish life could never allow such relationships.
You can't just walk out of mafia group, declaring a change of heart and desire for love.
It has to be slow, daring and with preparation of expectation of a violent death.

His amusement receded at this thought,
What would be his end he wondered,
And what if Tsetseg got involved and things went bad?

Truth to be told, he didn't know what fate had in store for him, he desired freedom and would go to the ends for it but his heart definately didn't want Tsetseg to be in any crisis either.
Some part of him even protested thinking of getting her involved.

What was this? When exactly had he started thinking in those terms, he lamented.
It wasnt like him at all.
But that girl had stirred something in him.
After a long time he had come face to face with two long forgotten emotions.

Fear and guilt.

He had resumed drinking, drowning in gloom again when he got a call from Madam kim of heritage club.
Apparently Hwang guem Joo had requested an appointment and a game of mahjong.

The lady's name was enough, his mood plunged. Flippant and arrogant she aggravated him.
He would definitely play the game,
But he would set the table and the rules.

Downing one final glass, he started undressing, tonight he required a long cold shower, and a break from the girls face imprinted in his mind.


Laying on the grass I checked my phone the
Thousandth time.

'goodnight Tsetseg and I sincerely apologise, I hope you are not upset any longer'
He had texted me yesterday night when I got back home.

'I can keep secrets' he had said, what are they shio? I hope not irreversible.
His eyes indeed swirled with hidden depths of
Collected and harboured secrets which he wore like a cloak over his persona.
Impenetrable and distant. Almost too stoic.
As if there was no other way.

I never had many opportunities of mingling with boys, growing up in Mongolia, no wonder I felt this drawn and reacted stupidly.
Specially to his touch.

But gan I seek too held your hand, you reaction wasn't same, the voice in my head mocked.
Gan I seek was different, I sure liked him but shio, well his touch had been startling, warm and caressing.
In utter chaos, it promised comfort.
It had promised something else too which I found coward enough to not admit even to myself.

'It awakened desire like no other, didn't it?'
My mind is indeed my enemy.


It was evening now, the grass felt soft and cushioned with beautiful adornments of wildflowers in patches.
I was glad to have a huge garden to myself in home, I could visit it anytime and stay as long as I wished.

Keeping my phone aside, I sprawled on my back, eyeing the grey clouds above. They were gloomy and ready to thunder just like mother and Gan hee-sik.

It had been challenging to control them after I had told them about the incident in warehouse, my bandaged hand and shio's offer.

It was a task but I had managed to convince them that it was an opportunity.
I could collect all the essential information being close to him.

They were not convinced but relented at my firm resolution.

Mother had also informed me of a pending meeting with Ryu shi-oh at night.
She intended to know about the real financer of Dogoo.

'Dont provoke him' I had offered.
She had looked up in surprise but nodded.

'Anyways gan hee-sik, I don't think he is the real deal, the boss I meant' I had concluded.

He just didn't seem evil enough, not that he was a saint but not entirely malignant.
My intuition was rarely wrong .But he did seem leashed and held back like a puppet.

Gan I seek had given me a watch it was bugged and would record everything as evidence.
'keep it with yourself at all times' he had pleaded looking comically serious.

Snatching up my phone again, I decided to video call my parents in Mongolia till I waited for mother to come back from the meeting. It had been a while.


'He is a cunning one' mother fumed,
'he thinks he can out smart me?'
It had been an hour now.
She was immensely displeased,
The meeting hadn't gone her way.

Mother had tried prodding him for information, even provoking him but he had remained calm and poised, giving away nothing.

'anyways I won the game and made an offer, to finance Dogoo alone, he was offended' she smirked a bit pleased with herself.

This irked me for some reason.
'mother, I was specific about not provoking him, he would become hostile now.'
'plus we'll need to be careful now, he'll try to gather information on you.

'dont worry he won't find out about you, I've already taken care of that' she said once again chuffed.

We talked a bit more and then finally went to our rooms.

I looked at the watch doubtfully one final time and then went to bed, unsure and utterly confused.



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