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For the last time, I looked in the mirror, soothing the non existent crease on my attire.
My mind was completely elsewhere.

I had finally come to terms with reality and what was to be done, the truths that were to be spoken and masks that were to be dropped.

I didn't know if I could pull this off considering how shaken I felt at the moment.

Suddenly I wanted to run and hide and beg the skies for mercy.

I whispered his name, once again drowned by nostalgia with its sound and a cage of emotions I had buried in me.
But there was no time.

I moved away from the mirror and out of my house.

On the way to my office, I couldn't help but imagine the worst.
Even the prospects of bright sunlight and cool pleasent air, swishing the leaves of long standing trees couldn't uplift my spirits.

I finally reached the office building and immediately took notice of the parking area that was flocked with numerous cars and people.
It definitely belonged to news channels and journalists.

Dragging my eyes back to the office building, I charged ahead towards the door.
There was no place for distraction today.

Earlier in the morning, I hadn't felt anything but now as I approached his office, a strange sort of anxiety was rolling in my chest.

I tried rubbing my hands, that felt uncomfortably cold and clammy.
With every step my heart sunk further, making me rethink the whole ordeal.

I was going to confront him today, tell him who I was.

My heart raced and so did my mind, the feeling of dread was pooling in my abdomen, making me sick, as I took notice of the last hallway that stretched between me and his office.

I halted there for a moment and looked out of the window beside.

'There is no going back now'
I whispered to myself with Conviction, trying to compose my scattered self.
He was the same person who had lied and betrayed.

It was a shame, this weakness I felt.

Squaring my shoulders, I took a deep breath and started walking.

My heart was about to burst.

Wishing my resolve to be that of iron, I pushed open the doors before walking in.

My sight immediately went to his desk, which was empty, another thing that struck me was the dim lightning of the room.
It was never this dark.

For a moment, I felt a wave of alarm.
What if he tried to kill me?

I blinked a couple of times to let my eyes adjust to the darkness and only then, I spotted him standing by the window, his back faced me.

His voice echoed.

He made no movement, only stayed silent and tranfixed as a statue with his back towards me.

It was a strange thing to say and reminded me of the starting days when we had met.

Something was off today and I could feel it in my bones.

His stance was fixed but tense, his shoulders moved visibly as if he was short of breath and panting.

'I have to talk'
I finally said, moving towards him and stopping a safe distance away.

Before I could speak further, my ears took in a hint of his chuckle but there was no humour in it.

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