A note🤡

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I just wanted to convey something.

In the drama, I really wanted to know how Ryu Shi-oh actually felt from the beginning to the end.

His character was deliberately portrayed in a manner where all he could express was either through dialogues, which were limited or facial expressions (he did a marvelous job at that as well).

They didn't leave much space for us viewers to get a deep insight as to what went on in his mind.

There were times when I wished they would show his inner thoughts like what exactly he felt about Tsetseg, how Shattered he was when he got to know about the betrayal.
Small things such as what came to his mind when he thought about her, what he wanted the most in life.

His inner personality would have been interesting considering his take on things such as why night sky is bright and many more.

I wanted all these possibilities to be explored and portrayed in the drama, but we all know it didn't happen.

His character I felt was incomplete, in story as well as portrayal.
They couldn't do justice to his character.

Hence in my book, I really wanted to work on this part of Ryu shi-oh.
His inner self, his private thoughts, motivations and feelings that remained hidden in drama.

Same is for Tsetseg.
I wanted to add some elements of empathy and good judgement to her character.

And also I felt the need to change many dialogues cause they felt bland and unintentionally provoking.
Specifically in Tsetseg's and Ryu shio's case.

I think we all need to highly appreciate the actor Byeon woo seok .
His portrayal of Ryu shi-oh was flawless.
Without detailed dialogues he accurately most beautifully delivered to us the intentions and feelings of his character, depending on fewer sources.


PS: I'm still not over the trauma of this drama💔😶👌💀

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