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Madam Kim sat on the bar drowning herself in alcohol feeling out of place and utterly defeated.
This didn't feel like heritage club anymore, rather a roaming ground for police and detectives.

Even death would be better than this humiliation, she thought, downing a whole glass of acidic liquid with rage and then immediately shuddering with pain afterwards.

The things had taken a turn for worse after her arrival. That small horrid girl was a menace, a bad luck.

Tsetseg needs to go, her mind screamed with revulsion as she ordered another drink.
She was starting to get dizzy now as if the situation was not horrible enough. The cops were after them, hairtail was arrested and probably preparing to die.

Ryu shi-oh had changed.

Her insides turned at the thought.

They had to stop their business for the moment, no clients were allowed. All she could pray for was a declaration of insufficient proof against them and for that girl to go away.

'You seem unwell madam, you should stop now'
The man behind the bar, preparing her drinks said, looking concerned.

'I can't have a moments peace'
She couldn't control the shriek tearing away from her throat.
He immediately backed away leaving her alone.

She had just put down her head on the table, rubbing her aching head, when an abrupt call  infuraited her further.

'What is it?' she said, not bothering to mask the tone of annoyance in her voice.

'Tae-ri is missing and off grid'



I sat on the sofa, looking around the familiar view of tables, windows and furnishings. I had stayed here for a while, earlier the environment had felt like home, but it rang cold now, full of distrust and unspoken words burdening the air with tension.

'I told you earlier, I don't want to associate with you any longer'
My voice echoed with hurt, I tried avoiding his face, resting my eyes on his carpet instead.

He had called me in the evening, requesting for a meeting. I would have outright declined, if it was not for the actual regret in his breaking voice.

'I am upset and panicked because of the situation with my team leader, his condition is worsening' he had said to me on the phone, completely going to pieces.

I had decided to meet him for the sake of our friendship, that once had been beautiful.
No matter how angry I was, he was still the person who had helped me,when I was alone and scared.

He was the first person in this new country who had been kind to my lost self.
He had returned me my family, listening to him once was the least I could do.

'Tsetseg, I won't make any excuses, but I am sorry, I really meant you no harm'
His words pulled me to the reality.

'Hee-sik, I think we are even now, we both have lied and concealed things from each other, I should apologise as well'
As soon as the words left my mouth, the burden on my heart evaporated, I had been wanting to say this.

It was true he had crossed a certain line but I hadn't been honest as well.

We had different people to protect.

'I am glad we sorted this out and I won't lie to you anymore Tsetseg'
With a smile he continued.
'I know you are a good person, if you are on his side you might have a purpose'

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