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"I'm heading to my trailer"I said grabbing my bag as I got up.

"Wait do you want some food"she said offering me some strawberries that were in a little tub.I smiled and went over to her.

"Yeah I'm starving thanks"

"Wouldn't you have had lunch recently"Chris says looking down at his watch.

"I didn't have any today"

"What how come"he said his head snapping up towards me.

"I never do"I said blankly

Before Chris could even have the chance to say anything else to me about it Lizzie interrupted.

"You can have another if you want"she said smiling.

"No thanks I'm going to head to my trailer before I have to go to hair and makeup"I said heading towards the door.

They all said ok and started to continue the conversations that they were having before I had walked into the room.I went over to my trailer and when I got there I put my bag down on the sofa that was in there and went to lay on the bed.I grabbed my phone if I'd my hoodie pocket and looked at my messages from my Ruby.

Ruby Me

Party tomorrow after down?

Is that a real question
of course I'm down.
what time?

At about 7 I'll meet you
there yeah


I put my phone down and went onto Snapchat since I had another 10 minutes before I had to be sat down in the hair and makeup chair to be read to film.

I was now sat in the hair and makeup chair after getting my hair done.I was going over my lines in my head and wasn't really paying attention to much else.

I noticed when the door opened but I didn't see or hear who it was since I was lost to much in my own thoughts.I finally jumped out of my head when a hand was placed on my shoulder.Chris.I had got my next scene with him next so I just assumed that he was coming to find me.

"Oh hey"I said turning around in my chair.the makeup lady had now gone because my makeup was finished.

"You ok there,looked a bit lost"he said laughing a little bit.

"Nah I'm fine,ready to go"

"Yeah come on kid"

The both of us headed to set where we saw everyone setting up and checking the cameras.when we walked in the director told us to get into our positions.

We hadn't filmed much of our movie and so the parts we have filmed aren't major parts.just the simple short scenes.we had been filming for 2 weeks now and the scenes were ever so slightly getting harder and a tad bit longer.

Me and Chris got into positions and were now ready to start shoting.

This scene wasn't that complicated.

Steve(chris)had to come into the room where Lacey(me)was sitting down.Steve then had to tell her about an upcoming mission that they had coming character then tell his that she doesn't think she is good enough to do the mission and then he tells her that she is wrong.

I have been looking forward to filming this all and Chris are like best friends by now and we love filming together.

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