Walking home

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We went over to the table that was filled with drinks and we got the same as we had been having all night.this was now my 5th drink and I could start to feel a bit out of it so I knew that I would have to get going soon,since I didn't want to be hung over for tomorrow.

I quickly pulled my phone out whilst Ruby was getting her drink and I set my alarm for in the morning incase I forgot to do it when I got home.before I put my phone away I looked at the time.


Jesus Christ when did it get so late.

About roughly half an hour later I decided to start heading home knowing that it would take me about 15 minutes to walk back.

I pulled out my phone on the way and started flicking through all the photos that I had taken from the party.I smiled to myself as I remembered doing them all again.

I smiled to myself as I remembered doing them all again

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(Just a few of the pictures)

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(Just a few of the pictures)

I finally arrived home and lifted up the door mat to reveal the spare key that I,luckily, had since my parents decided to take there copy of the key away.without letting me know of course.

I climbed up the stairs taking off my jacket and u doing my belt as I walked up.when I got to my room I got out of my jeans jacket and top chucking them on a pile in the middle of my room.that was a problem for later on tomorrow morning.

I jumped into my bed and got comfy.after a few minutes I started to drift of to sleep.

I woke up the next morning with a loud sound ringing all throughout the house.I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes trying to figure out what the noise was.I looked all about my room then realised that it was my phone alarm going of.groaning I reluctantly got out of bed and went over to my jeans that we're screwed up in the floor next to my jacket.I took my phone off of the back pocket and stopped the alarm.

I looked at the abundance of notifications on my phone which were still coming through.the newest ones were from ruby and the oldest ones were from Chris."CHRIS SHIT I DIDN'T TEXT HIM BACK"i mentally screamed at myself.

I quickly opened his messages and started to walk down stairs.

Are you back home
If you need a lift I can come get you

Missed call from Chris

Court call me

Missed call from Chris

Are you back
I need to know your okay

Missed call from Chris

|_shit Chris sorry I totally forgot to text you back I fell asleep as soon as I got back

I felt bad that Chris had been up all night texting me so I quickly replied and then put my phone down on the side and went over to the cupboard.

I grabbed the bread out of the packet that was at the front of the cupboard and chucked it into the toaster.I went into the fridge and grabbed some butter to put on the toast.my phone buzzed on the counter top and I quickly picked it up to have a look.

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