Naps with chris

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"You are very mistaken,young one,I know everything about you"

"And how would you....know that"I spotted back into his face.

"You see we are closer than you think,but I will let you figure that out.....but now I have a world to over throw"he started to walk away.

"You'll never rule over this world"

He turned around to me and stared at me but never once said a word.

"You will fall and crumble and we will beat you until your nothing"

He just laughed and turned away shouted back at me.

"Oh just you wait and see mortal...just you wait and see"

Tony and Wanda were thrown to the floor as the enemies who were holding them still followed after Loki.

"Why didn't you run"Tony asked me.

I looked towards him and Wanda before answering him.

"I'm not running anymore"I said.

"CUT"the director said and came up to us all.

"Well done that was amazing tomorrow we will finish the rest of this scene of and Courtney don't worry I already contacted your school to let them know that you won't be in.other than that guys well done"

"Thanks"I said as he smiled and turned around going over to the camera men.

I went back to my trailer and got changed out of my outfit,folding it up meeting and placing it onto the table.

I went back to my trailer and  got changed out of my outfit,folding it up meeting and placing it onto the table

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I grabbed my bag from of the sofa and opened it up,grabbing out my outfit for tonight and slipping it on.I reached for my jacket and something fell out do the pocket.

The vape.

Shit I thought to myself stuffing it back into the pocket and sipping it back up.I couldn't let anyone see that otherwise I would be dead.I had completely forgotten that it was in there.I pushed this thought aside and continued getting changed.after I was ready I went over to Chris's trailer leaving everything in my own trailer all packet up ready to go for later.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it.

"Oh hey court"

"Hi can I chill here with you I haven't got to leave for my party for another hour"

He nodded and stood to the side of the door giving me space to walk in.I walked in and sat down in the sofa.

"I was just about to put something on the tv"he said pointing at the tv screen which had Netflix already opened up.I smiled at him and he came and sat next to me on the sofa. "Want to watch a film"

"Sure"I said

After we had put the film on Chris said something to me but I was to engrossed in the film to know what he said.

"Hmm"I said turning my head round to his.

"I said you look nice"

"Oh thanks"I said laughing and looking down at my outfit like I didn't know what I had on.

"That for the party your going to"

"Yeah"I said yawning.

"Bit tired are we"Chris said knowing full well I am.I nodded my head and he opened his arms out for me to lean on him.

"You can sleep for a bit I'll wake you up before you need to go out"

I nodded to him since I was to tired to actually give an audible answer.

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