Running late

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"Ok,I've gotta run I'm late to school"I said finishing up with my makeup and putting everything away in its bag.

"Oh ok,make sure you get to school safe.text me when your there"

"Will do Liz"I said before hanging up and brushing my hair through.I glanced over at the time and saw that I had 20 minutes to get to school.I walked down stairs with my bag ,that had a singular pen and a random piece of paper inside, and unlocked the door.I stepped outside and then locked the door behind me as-well.

I quickly put in my headphones and started blasting my music whilst walking to school.on the way there I also saved Lizzie number into my phone as Lizzie.

The outfit:

The hair and makeup:

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The hair and makeup:

I turned the corner and saw my school at the same time that my song came to an end

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I turned the corner and saw my school at the same time that my song came to an end.I took the one headphone out of my ear and put it back into its case since they were wireless ones.I walked into the school building and went straight to mine and ruby's spot on the back fields with all of our other mates.I made my way onto the field and I could already see everyone crowding around in a little circle.they hadn't noticed my yet so I called out to them.

"Y'all look like some sketchy ass fucking cult"I said as I finally reached was break time now and I had missed my first lesson which was English.

"You missed English"one of the boys,Leo,out of our group said.

"Yeah well I really dodged a bullet with that one"I said laughing.we both shared a laugh then I kinda zoned out stood next to ruby while she rambled on about some random thing that she watched on Netflix last night.luckily the bell went off so I dragged her off the field and managed to change to subject of what we were talking about because I was super lost and didn't listen to a word she said.I dropped her of at her own classroom and then went to the toilet before going to my own class which was science which I had a teacher who hates me in that's really fun for me.I was in the toilet and sat down on the toilet seat whilst I searched for a better song to play in my headphone even though I love all the songs on my playlist since I was the one that put them on there in the first place.

After doing that I took a super slow walk to my classroom.when I got there I walked in and straight away the teacher was at my side ready to throw me out as per usual.this teacher would do anything and I mean just about anything to get me out of their lesson.

"Why are you late"they said as soon as the door slammed shut behind me.I waited a few seconds before answering mainly just to piss of my teacher even more but also because I was mentally singing the good part of my song that came on.

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