Well-needed rest

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I leaned down onto his side and curled myself up into a ball next to him.my head was resting on his shoulder and I closed my eyes at the sudden comfort.

I don't think it was even a minute before I felt my body go into a deep relaxing mode.I felt so calm and well safe which was weird.I usually don't feel safe been at my most vulnerable around people.but with Chris it was different I don't know why it just was,well all of the cast really but more so with Chris.

I wasn't sure when exactly I fell asleep but the next thing I knew I was been lightly shaken awake.

"Court,you need to wake up now"Chris whispered whilst I was still curled up into his side.

I groaned as the light from inside chris's trailer hit me.I sat up and rubbed my eyes before fully opening them.

I smiled at chris and he smiled back at me.

"Need a ride to your party"he offered.

"Erm yes please if it's not to much of a bother"He laughed to himself as he got up and stretched.

"Why would it be a bother"I thought about it.I guess I should be used to this by now he is always offering to take me places and sometimes insisting on it when it was dark out.

"Oh er yeah right"I said nervously laughing to myself hoping he would just blame my stupid question on the fact that I have only just this second woken up from a very much well-needed rest.

The both of us headed to the car and hopped in after we had been to my trailer and grabbed my bag that I have brought in this morning.I did my seat belt and put my phone in-between my legs whilst I waited for Chris to get settled I .

When we where ready to go chris turned and looked over at me and said, "right then where too".I had totally forgotten that I needed to give him the address for the party I was going to.after I gave it to him he put it into the SAT nav and it began to lead the way.

The whole time we were listing to songs and singing them whilst laughing.gotta love Chris's singing.

"So is this a friends party or"

"Yeah it's a friend's birthday and she's haven't a massive party"I confirmed.

"Ah that will be nice then,is there any alcohol there"he asked me suddenly going serious.

I couldn't exactly lie to him since he knew me to well and would be able to pick up my lies from a mile away.

"Er yeah I think there will be some"he side eyed me before continuing.

"And are you planning to drink any"

I went silent.I didn't know what to say.I could say no because I knew that I was gonna drink shit loads and deep down he probably knew that to.but then at the same time I couldn't say yeah because then he might be checking up on me every hour and that's not fun for anybody.especially because when Chris gets worried he will come running and pick me up from the party.and yes even if that did happen I could just run away but I would see him tomorrow for filming anyways.I didn't realise until now that I had been silent and hadn't said anything back to him.


"Hm oh yeah erm I might have one or two mabye why"

He laughed a little, "I'm not your parents don't worry I'm not going to tell you that you can't have a drink but I just want to know incase something happened that's all"I smiled to myself.

"Thanks Chris"

He nodded his head slightly but still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Just as long as your safe and being responsible"

I repeated his actions from a minute ago and nodded my head knowing that he could see me from the corner of his eye.

Soon after we arrived at the house and I was glad that it wasn't to chaotic outside otherwise he probably would have drove of with me still in the car.

"You can leave you bag here if you want and I'll pick you up again in the morning"

"Oh yeah ok then thanks"he smiled at me.

"No problem I'll pick you up around the same time as this morning ok"

I smiled back at him and nodded my head.

I said goodbye to him and thanks him for dropping me off which he just replied back saying no problem and told me to text him when I got back.hopefully I can remember.

He quickly rolled down the window and I was confused as to why but he just shouted out of the car to where I was standing,clearly not sure if I could hear him over the music playing both inside the car and inside the house.

"BE SAFE"he shouted which made me laugh I nodded my head as he rolled the window back up.

I watched him as he pulled away from the curb and drove off.I watched as his car lights turned around the corner and suddenly he was....gone.

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