Food ankles?

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As soon as I hear the word cut being yelled throughout the room I got happier.only 2 more scenes until I got to go see my Nan.

The next scene that I had to do was a fighting one with Loki,aka Tom Hiddleston.

It was a pretty simple fight and only rlly had punches in and then I had to fall down a few times but either way it's still a fight scene.

I get into positions because we are going straight into it since it's a back to back scene.

I watch Tom come in and make a few jokes with the cameraman and some of the other crew members.I didn't quite catch into what they were saying but I could just about read toms lips at the start.

Make sure you get the good side of my face

Only want them food ankles

Ok mabye he didn't say food ankles but that's all I could work out from where I was stood,assumingly he said good angles not food ankles.

After he was finished talking with them he turned and slowly made his way over to me.I hadn't worked much with Tom over the past few weeks.we had only really done a handful of scenes together but I do see him with Chris Hemsworth a lot which I guess is normal since there 'brothers'.

"You alright"he asked me as soon as he reached me.I nodded my head and smiled.

"ACTION"is called and I get ready.

Loki swings for the side of my head with his fist but I duck and he punches thin air.I had to admit trying not to use my powers was hard but there was no way I was letting Loki the god of mischief be the reason why I had to use's probably what he wanted anyways.

I swing my hand in the air and slap he square in the face.his face snaps the way that my hand was going and he stays there for a few seconds before slowly turning his head back to me.out of no where he smacks the side of my ribs but with his fist.

Unfortunately for me toms hand came a little to close and he end up punching me in the ribs.he almost immediately withdrew his hand and placed it on my shoulder instead,repeatedly saying sorry until my ear drums hurt.

"It's fine"I mutter back even though it did really hurt but it's no big deal I guess.

After that scene I went back to my trailer to chill before I had to go to my last scene before lunch.the last scene before lunch went rather quickly even though it was a bit of a longer scene than the other ones I had done today.It was finally lunch time and we could all go chill and eat some food or do whatever we wanted until we were called back.this meant one thing.

Time to finally see my sweet old beloved nan.

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