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I mean it was probably because of all the alcohol that we had drank that gave us this confidence boost.we weren't usually shy people but some times when I do thinks I get embarrassed for no reason,even if there's nothing even embarrassing about what it is I was doing.weird how a couple of drinks make such a difference.

I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
With your hands between your thighs
But I crumble completely when you cry
It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye

Both me and ruby were screaming the song at each other by now and we couldn't stop laughing.the speakers kept getting progressively louder throughout the song and I knew that I was definitely going to have popped ears later.

I'm always just about to go and spoil the surprise
Take my hands off of your eyes too soon
I'm going back to 505

The song was now slowly but surely coming to an end and most of the people who were once's singing and dancing around us started to calm down and go back to there conversations or go and get more drinks,but not me and ruby we were still going strong.

If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
With your hands between your thighs and a smile

As the song finally ended me and ruby couldn't stop laughing.we walked back over to where we had left our drinks and went back outside again since we literally had sweat pouring of us.

We sat back down at the same place we had before and let the winds cold air blow on us.

Ruby got out her phone and we started taking photos and snapping all of the people on her Snapchat.I had no idea who most of them where but oh well.they got a lovely picture now.

"Want to stop at mine tonight"ruby asked me after a while of us cooling down.

YESSSSSS I was screaming in my head but I knew I couldn't.sometimes I hare the fact that I have to lie to her about why I can't come over or why I'm having days of school.I honestly don't know why I don't just tell her I mean it's not like she's not going to find out when the film comes out.if she watches it that is.but then again even if she doesn't watch it there will still be posters and picture online of me and the cast so it would be pretty hard for her not to miss it.

"Not tonight bee to tired for that"I said using her nickname that I had for her.

"Hmm still calling me bee I see"

"Will never get old"i said elbowing her lightly at her side whilst smirking.

She started to laugh and so did I.I had called her bee for ages.since we were kids.I could never pronounce her name properly so I just called her bee.I don't know why I couldn't say her name properly,I don't think ruby is that hard to say but for whatever reason I just couldn't say it.so bee has always just stuck.

I stood up and tapped her side with my foot, "right come on then time for a refill"I talked the side fi my cup so she knew what I was on about.

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