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I put my phone down on the side to let it charge a little bit more since I was up so late and woke up early it didn't have chance to fully charge up all of the way.I also still had a few apps open from last night as-well.

I walked downstairs into my kitchen to grab a drink of coffee to keep me awake.once I got my coffee I grabbed my bag that was on the kitchen counter top.I went back upstairs to grab some things to put in my bag that I would need for the day.

I grabbed my phone and it's charger since it had now charger up the last little bit that it had needed too,I took my lip gloss of the side of my desk and put some chewing gum in my bag that I had knocked on the floor when trying to get my lip gloss.I grabbed my jacket on the floor from last night which went with the outfit I had also put in my bag for a party I was going to later.

It's a little get together party with me ruby and all of our other friends.we aren't as close with them as we are each other but we are still good friends.

My phone buzzed and I grabbed it to see what it was a text message from Chris.

Will be at your house in 2 minutes.see you soon x
|_see you soon

I smiled at my phone as I read the text message over and over again.he added an x at the end of his message.not even my own parents did that.although the hardly ever texted me.infact the last text I got from them was them telling me that they wouldn't be back for 2 months because they were on holiday.Chris is doing more than they ever Someone cared about me I thought to myself.i did feel bad since I was technically lying to him.he doesn't know that my parents aren't here,nobody does.they left 3 days ago and I have just been acting like normal in set.but I didn't really have to act any different because even when my parents where here they always ignored me anyways.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a car pull up outside,followed by the sound of the car coming to a stop.I peeked out of the window and saw him on his phone.I figured that he must be texted me to tell me he his hear so I ran downstairs and grabbed my keys whilst pulling my shoes on to go out of the door.I quickly spun round to face the door locking it before sprinting to chris's car.

"Hey I was just about to text you"

"I saw"I said looking up at my bedroom window.he smiled and nodded as I jumped into the car.

When we were half way to the studio my phone started ringing.I quickly glanced at the called ID and saw it was ruby so I accepted the call.

Phone call

Hey ruby

Hey girl just checking to see if you were still coming to the party later

Yeah I am

Ok good didn't want to go on my own

Nah don't worry wouldn't miss a good party for the world.what do you take me for a fool

I guess not I'll see you later then

Yeah I'll meet you there

Ok right I'm going back to sleep

Ok bye


I ended the call and laughed a little bit to myself before turning my phone off.Chris glanced over at me making sure that I was done with my phone call before talking to me.

"So you've got a party later"

"Yeah unfortunately"

He laughed. "Why is that unfortunate"

"Because I'm already tired and I've got a full day again tomorrow"

"I see"he said nodding whilst keeping his eyes firmly on the road.he knew better than to talk me out of going and to go home and get some rest.

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