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I used my key to get inside my nans house and I was greeted with a dog sitting on the kitchen counter top which was strange since she didn't have a dog.

I walked upstairs into and went into her bedroom after I heard something make a thud sound.I got in and saw my nan trying to move her bed.she stopped doing what she was doing when she saw me at the door and smiled.

"Courtney sweetheart your here"

"Hi nan"I said going over to her and giving her a hug.

We walked downstairs together and went into the kitchen where she put the kettle on.I sat on one of the chairs that was surrounding the sofa.

"So what brings you here"she says whilst making herself a cup of tea.I sigh to had only been a coup of hours since our phone call and she had already forgotten it.

"You said you had made some cookies for me remember"I said a little hope in my voice hoping and praying that she would remember.

"Oh really it must have slipped my mind,I'll go get the cookies now for you sweet"she turned her back and handed me a cup of hot chocolate,that she had made me without me even realising it,before going round the corner to go and try and find the cookies or that's what I assumed they she was going to do.

Luckily that is in-fact what she went to do as she came back about 10 minutes later with a bag filled with biscuits that were all packaged neatly in her tubber wear.(idk how you spell it haha)

By now we were in the living room watching a film that she had put on the tv,I looked over at the clock and saw that I only had 30 minutes left before I had to be on would take me 10 to walk there and I also did need a bit of time to have a chill as-well.

"Right then nana I've gotta go"I say getting up off the sofa and stretching out.

"Oh ok then dear let me just get the biscuits I made for you"she said standing up and attempting to go into the kitchen. "You gave them to me already remember"I said softly shaking the bag of biscuits she has in-fact given me earlier that day. "Oh yes of course"she smiled nodding to herself.we said our goodbyes and I left but instead of going back to set I went over to ruby's house instead.

I walked over the street and knocked on her door.I heard her running through the house shouting something before I saw her threw the patterned glass on her front door.she opened the door and smiled.

"Hey"I sighed.she let me in and we went up to her room.the first thing I noticed was how she had a load of vapes scattered over the bed,she walked in behind me.

"All yours"I said point at them on the bed. "Yep"she said popping the p.I nodded.

"When will you next be in school because I am not going into without you anymore it's horrible"she said to me whilst taking a drag.(for anyone who doesn't know that's what it's called when you have some of a vape so like your having a drag)

"I don't know I just felt weird the last couple days but I'll let you know when I'm next in"I lied knowing full well that I will be in tomorrow but I can't say that otherwise she will get suspicious.

"Do your parents not care about you having so many days off all the time"she questioned me,blowing out the remaining smoke still in her mouth.

Nope.they don't care.never have and most certainly never will.

"I don't know,I guess not"I said shrugging my shoulders lying through my teeth once again.


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