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"Well then let's take it from the top"I said swinging my hand round in circles with my pointy finger stuck out.

Everyone got back in position and we all went a bit smoother this time and nobody fell over at a time or speed they were not suppose to.after that scene me and Lizzie walked back to the break room, still unchanged from out outfits since we had another scene I'm 10 minutes,while Robert went over and talked with the director.not sure what he was talking about but I assume that he told a joke since everyone was laughing.

With him and not at him.lmao.

Aaron and Chris where in the break room when we got in there,chatting away to themselves whilst me and Lizzie sat down next to them.

"How was your scene kid"Aaron asked me after ending his conversation with Chris.

Before I could answer Aaron Lizzie cut me off. "Oh she had a very nice trip"she said trying not to laugh although failing entirely.

I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself.when I looked back up I could see Aaron smirking and Lizzie still wheezing at the side of me however chris wasn't laughing as much as them.he smiled and laughed a little bit before going serious. "Your not hurt though are you"

I gently shook my head no and watched his seriousness faded away.I could stop myself form thinking about why he cared as much as he did.ever since my first day here he had always taken care of me.he was like my on set remind me of the text I had gotten earlier that day from my mother telling me that she and my farther won't be back for longer than was weird I was always used to them just going on trips and leaving me behind but this time was different.I don't quite know why but it just hurt more this time.even though knowing that neither of my parents cared about me I pushed all of my feelings aside when I got onto set.I could never let them know what happens at home.or more to the point what doesn't happen at home.I didn't realise it but I must have been zoning out because I heard Chris shouting my name.

I jumped back into reality and turned my head towards him.

"You ok there you were zoning out"

"Yes no I'm fine"

In the space of 5 minutes chris had asked me if I was ok 2 times.more than my parents had in my whole life.the only time they had asked me if I was ok was the one time I fell over whilst we were crossing the street when I was 7.of course the only reason they had actually asked me was because I was crying and people were starting so they had to act.

Maybe everyone here was acting nice.I mean it did seem genuine but then again it's what they do for there jobs,it's supposed to seem genuine.

"What was you thinking about"Aaron asked me.

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