Craft scissors

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I went into my trailer and changed out of my clothes for my character and put on the clothes I originally came in.

This is the outfit if you can remember:

The next thing I knew I was walking out of the studio and towards my nans house

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The next thing I knew I was walking out of the studio and towards my nans wasn't too far away it was only about 5 minutes walk from my house and about a 10 minute walk from the studio.

I set of walking and my phone kept buzzing.I didn't even bother to look at who it was I just turned it on do not's not like it's anything important anyways.nobody cares enough about me for it to be that important.

I carried on walking and soon ended up on my nans road.I had her sight in clear view.I looked on the opposite side of the road and there was rubys house.

It was great that I had someone that I trusted that could keep an eye on gave me a lot of reassurance.

There has been multiple times that,Ruby li img where she does,has come in handy.It's almost like a weekly thing that I get calls of off her telling me that my nan is up to something.last weekend,on the Sunday,I had to come down here after getting a very weird call from ruby.ruby had called me at 4 o'clock in the morning to tell me that my nan was outside her house,in her from garden cutting the I was already thinking this was weird enough but it got more nan was up at 4 in the morning cutting her grass...........with craft know the ones with the zig zag lines that hardly pass as scissors since they don't actually cut anything.

By the time I got dressed and headed over there she was cutting the leaves on her tree which she had on her front garden to.luckily I managed to get her back inside and get her to bed after 2 hours of arguing with her about the fact that she was infact in her own house and nobody else's.yes she forgot what her house looked like.I then had to show her old photos of her in the house just so that she would believe me.

By the time I had got out of her house it was already 6:30 so then I went straight home got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair and then had to head out because I had to get out of the house before my parents woke up because there had gone to bed in a bad mood.

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