Let the party begin

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I walked up to the front door and I could already hear all of the music that was blaring away inside.I was just about to open the door when I heard my name being called from behind me.I turned around confused.

"Ruby"I said and I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"Feel like I haven't seen you in ages"she said breaking up the hug.

I looked down at her outfit and laugh.all though today our outfits are quite similar we have the complete opposite taste.I like baggy clothing and sometimes tight fitted clothing but I maiming wear baggy.then ruby wears tight fitted things all the time.

Rubys fit

"So how do you like my outfit"she said spinning round and laughing

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"So how do you like my outfit"she said spinning round and laughing.

"I love your outfit and it looks good on you but it's just not my style"

"You know one day I will dress you and your gonna absolutely hate it and I'm gonna absolutely love it"I hummed back to her raising my eyebrows and sighing at the same time.she just laughed and took her arm in mine and began to lead me back to the door again.

We walked through the door and we're almost instantly met with the smell of beer and alcohol.not to mention the blasting sounds of the music that was playing.we both looked at each other and started laughing.tonight was gonna be fun.I dragged ruby over to the table which had all the drinks on and grabbed us some cups.I grabbed the first bottle that I saw and poured a good amount into my cup whilst ruby did her own drink.I had picked up a bottle of absolute vodka and mixed it it with some coke while ruby had Malibu and mixed that with some coke.

I grabbed ruby's arm and my drink and started walking over to my friend who's house we were in.when she saw me she immediately smiled.

"Hey guys"she squealed while coming over to us.she hugged both me and ruby and then smiled.

"Haven't seen you in a long time how you doing"ruby said.

"Oh yeah I was on holiday last week so I wasn't in school obviously"

I nodded my head and sipped on my drink.I think I definitely put a bit to much vodka in but I was going to drink it neither the less.

After a while the songs that were playing started to get better and better and people where also fighting over what songs to put on next.it was quite funny to be honest.me and ruby had been dancing for hours and were now on our 4th drink.

I didn't want to get overly drunk tonight since I knew that I would have to be up early to film again but at the same time yolo.

Me and ruby were in to the middle of a big crowd of people who were dancing.I dragged her to the side where the back door was.the door was wide open so I walked out and she followed close behind.the cold air hit my skin and soon as I stepped out of the door.I hadn't realised how hot I had been until I had came out here.I was sweating from all of the dancing that I had been doing.I wiped my head on my arm and fanned myself with my hands while the wind was blowing slightly,which was helping me out to.ruby followed close behind me and sat down on the step.I sat down next to her and we both just sat there and were silent for a few minutes.

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