Captain starved

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Chris's POV:

I have just finished my scene and I head to the break room where everyone else is.I go straight to the fridge and grab out some chocolate bars that was inside.a mars bar and a twix.

"Seabass"me and Anthony sat at the same time when Sebastian enters the room.

We all start laughing as he sits down next to us.I was talking with Anthony and Sebastian when a conversation that Scarlett and Lizzie was having caught my attention.they were talking about an interview that we have this weekend that I had totally forgotten about.I don't think anyone has mentioned it to Courtney yet either,I thought to myself.

I excused myself from my conversations and went over to tom trailer since her last scene was with him.I hadn't seen her so I assumed maybe they were going over lines for later on.I had already passed by her trailer on the way to the break room and had a little peak in but she wasn't there.


Courtney's POV:

I was now walking back to set still with a bag full of cookies since I wasn't going to eat them all on my own then I might as well have some people to help me.they have helped me with so much already it's the least I can do.

I get back into set and head straight to my trailer.I put the bag down on the table and go on my phone for a little bit.I still had At least another 20 minutes until I had to start to get ready and be on set.

I go onto tiktok and I was laughing at one of the videos that I had just laughed at when someone flung my door open and came was Chris.

"Evans"I said and I watched his frantic face revert back to normal.

"Where were you"he said. "I went to my nans to get some cookies"I slowly start pointing at the bag that I had brought back with me.

"Oh ok we were worried about you"

I laughed to myself, "why"Chris gave me a confused look "because we couldn't find you,that would have been a awkward conversation to have with your parents.

"They wouldn't care anyways"i whispered under my breath so that he couldn't hear me or so I thought.

"What"he said.

"Nothing!"I said quickly praying that he didn't hear what I had said.he never said anything so I assumed he didn't hear me.

I opened the bag up and grabbed one of the many tubs out.I took the lid of off the tub and offered the tub over to Chris whilst smiling.

He took a few out and started to eat them right away.I got one out and ate the time I had put the tub back in the bag and sat back down Chris had already eaten all of the cookies that I had given to him.I just laughed quietly to myself.

"Hungry was you"


"Couldn't tell"I said jokingly shaking my head softly.

"Captain starved I am"he said making me laugh even more than I originally was.

He soon left and I started to get ready for my next scene which was with Tom Hiddleston and Chris evans.

He soon left and I started to get ready for my next scene which was with Tom Hiddleston and Chris evans

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I got changed into the clothes I needed to wear and headed onto the set.Tom and Chris were both already there and chatting away when I showed up.they didn't notice me until Tom caught a glimpse of me out of the corner of my eye and rushing over to me with Chris following close behind.

"Are you okay I still feel bad about this morning"he said referring to our fight scene earlier on.

"No yeah I'm fine"I said reassuring him yet again that I was fine.they all I seem to be doing nowadays,just always telling people I'm fine.even though I know that deep down I'm not fine but it's ok because they don't need to know that.There's no need to make other people feel down when they don't have to be.

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