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I quickly read over my lines for my first and second scenes.they were pretty long scenes and even though I knew all of my lines that were wrote down on my piece of paper I still decided to go over them just incase.when I was going through my lines my trailer door opened making me look up towards the door.the director came in with a small box in his one hand and clothing in the other and placed them done on the table next to me.

"That's your outfit for todays scenes and you've got some jewellery in that box to"

I smiled and nodded to myself looking down at the stuff that has been out infront of me.I shout back a thank you when I realised that the director is now waking out of my trailer.

I picked up the small box and my outfit and walked into my trailers bathroom.I placed them on the counter whilst I started to get unchanged.I slipped on my new outfit and straightened myself out in the mirror.

I picked up the small box that was still on the side and peaked inside.it had a cardboard cut out of a hand and on each of the fingers was some rings.I slowly took them of the piece of cardboard and slipped them onto my own fingers.there was also another cut out with jewellery on for my other hand too.once I had all of my jewellery on I looked at myself in the mirror one last final time before heading over to get my hair and makeup done.

once I had all of my jewellery on I looked at myself in the mirror one last final time before heading over to get my hair and makeup done

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(In silver)

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(In silver)

When I got the the hair and makeup trailer I sat down and they got started straight away.the whole time I was there my phone kept buzzing in my hand and after a while I had started to tune it out but then I started thinking that it would possibly need to check it just incase it's anything important.even though the only important thing I need to know about is the party I'm going to later on.

I held my phone up to my face so it could do my Face ID and then I swiped up to unlock it.I scrolled through my notifications, instagram, tiktok, shien, instagram, Snapchat, tiktok, messages, and lastly WhatsApp.

The notifications on instagram tiktok and shien where really relevant,just telling me that somebody has posted something new or about a new outfit that I might be interested in.then I got onto my messages which was just my data company telling me that my contract has refreshed.Snapchat was the usual,just snap streaks and Ruby who was the one who has been blowing up my phone since I got in here.she pretty much just documented her whole day there was that much information in each text.

I'm bored
It's break now thanks god but it's so dead
I'm maths now
Ughh I've got English next lesson which YOU were supposed to be sat next to me but YOUR not here
The audacity honestly
Where's the trust at bro fr
I might skip it tbf
Ughh istfg this teacher bro I'm gonna kill her she just told me to get of my phone and I was like no and then she said put it on my desk then like no so I went back to her who tf do you think you are you ain't having my phone
And now I'm outside of her class waiting for her to come speak to me
Quite funny really
How are you
Having fun chilling at home
Lunch now but I'm gonna just go home
Cba with this skl anymore
I have officially left the skl
See you later

Wow that was a lot but yeah see you later

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