Punches and falls

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I next moved onto WhatsApp where I saw my moms contact at the very top with an unread message on it.I hadn't heard from her since her and my dad went away for there trip,not that I was bothered it was nice to not be shouted at all the time for doing absolutely fuck all.it's very rare that I heard them not complaining about something that I have apparently done.I tapped on the message and read it.

Trip has been extended for another month so be back after that I guess
since you don't do anything all day anyways I expect all the house chores to be done when we are back


I put my phone down after answering her text.I just started at the floor and fiddled with my hands that were rested in my lap.how could she just tell me that in a text message.I mean I knew they didn't really care about me but she could have at-lest called me or I don't know just done something to show she actually cares a little bit.

A little while latter I was on the set and waiting for everyone to be ready to go.all I could think about was that text that my mom had sent.she never cared about me and that hadn't affected me until now but why had this one text message impacted me this much.I couldn't wait to start.when I'm filming I'm not me,I'm whoever I'm playing,a whole other person.I can mask my feeling well and I just put on a brave face and really get into my character.

Robert and Elizabeth were in the room with me and we were all currently getting into our positions.this scene was one where there was a bit of fighting involved so I was a little bit excited for this.once we were all in our positions we waiting for the queue.

"ACTION"the director yelled and we did so.

Tony came running around the corner narrowly avoiding a bomb that had landed moments ago.Wanda was in-front of me fighting to protect me.I had my back turned to her so that I could cover for her.Tony came by my side and was shooting, out of his suit,anyone on the opposite team who was flying about up above us.

It was all so overwhelming.I didn't know what to do.after last time I swore to myself that I wouldn't use my powers and I am still standing by that now.the only fighting I am participating in is going to be power free.

"Still sure your not going to use your-"

"A good old fist fight never hurt nobody"I said shrugging my shoulders and raising my eyebrows at him as I cut him off already knowing what he was about to say.

After a few minutes of fighting a bunch more of the enemies came along mostly heading from my way.the three of us stood in a room and braced ourselves for this fight.

I swung a punch to the face of the closest person to me which in result sent them tumbling down.

However they fell a bit to quickly and didn't expect it which resulted in them desperately trying to grab onto something to pull themselves back up.I tried to move back to avoid this scene from going south but it was too late.I'm not sure how but I ended up on the floor.

"CUT"was yelled from across the other side of the room.

I just laughed as a hand reached out infront of my face to help me up.I graciously accepted Lizzie hand up and stood back up into the same position I was moments before.


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