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Most of the scenes I have filmed have been with him and he has been helping me out a lot.and not just with the scenes,even though that's mostly what he has been helping with,he would also help me with any school work that I can't do and would make sure that I get home save if it was dark out at night.he was a very protective person that's for sure.

The director was finishing up and conversation with the camera man when he finally called action.


I was sat down on the sofa reading a book with a blanket draped over my legs when steve came into my room.he was wearing his normal clothes and had a serious look on his face.I put my book down in the table infront of me and positioned myself to face him more.He sat down next to me and turned his head to face me.

"Theres a mission tomorrow morning"he paused a minute before doing or saying anything else.I watched him carefully as many different scenarios ran through my head about what he was going to say.

"We need your help"

"No...I-I can't"

"You can"he says to me whilst getting closer to comfort me.

"You think your aren't strong but you of the strongest people I know"

"I can't I'm ready but I'm not....I'm not as good as you or any of the others...I'll probably just end up getting myself killed"

He looked at me a few seconds before saying anything else.he looked like he was thinking.searching for the right thing to say.something that would help comfort me.

"You are ready...I promise you....I wouldn't lie to you you know that"

I paused.

"Really"I said to which he nodded his head to.

"Ok then"he smiled at me and then I smiled back whilst we sat there looking at each other.

"CUT!"the director said before coming into the set and standing next to the sofa the both of us were currently set on.

"That was perfect well done"

After that scene we all went back to our trailers to get out of our costumes and to take of our makeup,and to also take out our hair if we had it was around 7 o'clock and it was pretty dark out by now.I was chilling in my trailer when my phone started vibrating on the counter whilst I was putting my shoes on.I pocket it up and put it to my was ruby.

Phone call


Hey Cortney what you doing

Nothing really why

Want to go out for a bit

Yeah sure why not

Ok see you in 10 at the lake spot


I put my phone back down on the counter and finished getting  my shoes on again.I grabbed my bag from of the sofa and hung it around my phone buzzed a few times again so I picked it up to have a look.I had 2 messages .one from ruby and one from Chris.

Guess what I just brought

|_oh shit better save some for me

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|_oh shit better save some for me

Need a lift home kid?
|_no thanks going out with my friend

After I quickly replied to the texts are left my trailer to say goodbye to Lizzie and Chris in person before I left the set.

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