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Things I could have said:
Oh just thinking about how my parents aren't here since they are away on a trip and told me over text that they would be staying there longer.


Just wondering why you all care about me so much since nobody else does.not even my own parents.

But no instead I said, "just about some...homework I've got"

"Oh what homework"Lizzie asked

Shit shit shit.come on Courtney think.

"Err some m-maths I I think"

"God I hated maths when I was in school,worse subject ever"Aaron said followed by Lizzie nodding her head in agreement.

"Yeah same hated maths but if you need any help you know where I am"

I just smiled and nodded my head.

Just then a familiar face walked into the room making everyone face turn.Tom Hiddleston walked in,in his usual smiley cheery self.

"Hey Tom"Chris said to which Tom returned a hello back.

"Sorry got to shoot of to my scene I'll chat afterwards sorry"he said momentarily stopping by the sofa we were all sat on.we all nodded and smiled at him before we walked as he was speeding of into the other rooms.

A couple minutes later Robert popped his head back through the door.

"Lizzie,Courtney dears,time for our next scene"

We both nodded and got up of the sofa we were sitting on.just before we left the room Lizzie turned around to the boys and said, "have fun boys".I laughed to myself as she continued on.I decided to add onto it.

"Yeah but not to much fun"

As I walked out of the door after Lizzie I heard the both of them laughing.

This was my last scene for today and I was glad it was because I was ready to go to the party,me and ruby were going to.

We all got into positions and was waiting for the director to say action.

"God I'm so tired I can't wait to finish this"Robert said.

"Tell me about it" came a British voice from behind Robert.Tom was shooting this scene with us but for the start of the scene he had to be hidden away until his queue came to come out.

"Yeah same what about you courts"

"Super tired but I've got plans late so until you guys I can't just go home and sleep"

Robert raised his eyes rows clearing indicating for me to continue on.he wanted to know my plans I assumed.

"I've got a party to go to"I said which was followed by both Lizzie and Robert nodding and I assumed the Tom nodded to since I couldn't exactly see him.

A few minutes later the silence in the room was broken when the director shouted. "ACTION"

I raced around the side of the building and regroup with Wanda and Tony.they were both still fighting off  the Enemies when they suddenly got the upper hand and held them with there arms held behind there back.they were watching me and yelling wt me telling me to run but I couldn't.I was frozen still,not because of fear but because that's all I'd done all of my life,but not anymore.Loki came out from the shadows he was hiding in.holding his staff in his hand he slowly walked towards me.

I didn't move when he was walking towards me.I didn't need to nor did I want to.he gathered a smirk on his face the closer he got.

"Not scared mortal"he said laughed to himself.

"No,what makes you think I would be"

"Your weak,your a child-"

"You don't know anything about me"I shouted at him cutting him off from whatever he was going to say.

"ooooo,she's defensive"

I just stood there as I watched him come to a stop in-front of me.

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