Starting bad habits

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I put the vape to my lips and tried tasted really nice and smelt nice when I blew it out aswell.ruby had a different one to me so we both tried each others.

"Good right"

"Yeah it is actually,didn't expect it to be that nice"ruby nodded and we both continued to use the vapes.

We started to play songs on our phone quite loud since there wasn't any houses right by us at the minute.we were screaming the lyrics to the songs when they came on and having so much fun.we were both laughing to the point where it hurt.

After a while we walked over to the pier that was over the small lake.I grabbed a bunch of rocks and held them in my hand until we reached the end.

We sat down on the end of the pier and began skimming the rocks on the water.

"My rock went further than your rock"she said sticking her tongue out at me.

"Ok but watch this one"I said skimming the rock further than hers went.I laughed and looked at her face which she scrunched up to try and make herself look angry.

"You look like you need to take a shit you sure your good there mate"I said rolling on my back laughing.she also started laughing after a minute of attempting to hold back her laughs.we were now on our backs struggling to breathe we had been laughing that much.we looked like beached turtles.

It was currently 1:30 in the morning and I couldn't believe that we had been here for so long.I got here at around 7:30.I guess time really does fly when your having fun.

I decided to head home since I have to be up at 6 tomorrow.well technically today but you know what I mean.

Me and ruby said our goodbyes and she let me keep the vape that she had brought for me.I thanked her and left to start walking home.I put the vape into my pocket since I didn't want to be walking around with it in my hand.

When I was on the same road as my house was my phone started ringing in my pocket.I grabbed it out and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

Phone call


Hey it's me Chris just calling to make sure you got home safely.couldn't sleep.

I'm about to walk in my house now

Only just?

Yeah was out with my friend

It's 2 o'clock court your going to be knackered tomorrow for filming

I'm used to staying up late so I should be ok but I'm going to go to sleep now.I'll see you tomorrow ok

I'll pick you up tomorrow if you want

Are you sure

Yeah send me your address and go to sleep

Ok night Chris


I quickly texted my address to Chris and plugged my phone in before getting into bed.I didn't even bother getting changed since I was way to soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

I was woke up from my sleep at 5:00 in the morning.god it was way to early for this.I got out of the clothes I had fallen asleep in last night and put them on my bed.I got up and went into the shower quickly before hoping out and getting changed.I changed into something that would be nice and comfortable.

i quickly picked up my phone to text Ruby telling her they I wouldn't be going into school headteacher already knew since the producers had already contacted her a couple of days ago.

Not coming in today sorry
|_omg can't believe your leaving me haha

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