Smooth operators

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We soon arrived at the studio and the security teams opened the gates to let the car through.Chris quickly parked the car and the both of us got out and started walking to the break room area where the others would be.we had arrived here about 15 minutes earlier than we needed to do we have a bit of spare time to catch up with people.

We walked in asked sat down on the sofas that were in soon as we walked in we were greeted by Paul Rudd,Anthony mackie,Elizabeth Olsen,Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Rdj.I took a seat next to Paul and Anthony.

When I sat down a wave of food smell hit me and my stomach started to make some questionable sounds.nobody else heard them though.thank god.I realised that I didn't have breakfast this morning and that's why I was suddenly so hungry.

I saw Lizzie and Aaron standing next to a table with food on,stuffing there faces.I laughed a bit to myself before getting up and walking over to them.

"God I'm starving"

I heard Chris mutter something behind me so I turned around and asked him to repeat what he said since I didn't hear him the first time. "Oh I just said did you not have anything to eat this morning"

"Oh no I forgot"I said shrugging.this wasn't the first time I had forgotten to eat something.

I stopped in-between both Lizzie and Aaron and grabbed a packet of salt and vinegar crisps before heading back to my seat.

"How do you forget to eat"Robert ponders.everyone else looks at me waiting for an answer whilst I open my bag of crisps and start to munch on them.

"I don't know I guess I just didn't think about it"I laughed slightly to which most of the others just smiled back at me.although Robert kept looking at me with a concerned expression across his face as did Chris.

They never actually said anything but I could tell they they really wanted to.the both of them made eye contact with each other and out of the corner of my eye I say Robert jerk his head towards the door.a second later they both excused themselves from the room.

"Real smooth guys"I yelled as the walked out half joking half being serious.

Chris's pov:

Me and Downey just looked at each other with concerned faces and I knew that we were both thinking the same thing.I was about to pull him outside when he jerked his head over to the door.we both excused ourselves from the room and as I was shutting the door behind the both of us I heard Courtney shout from inside.

"Real smooth guys"

I closed the door ignoring the comment that she had made and just looked at Robert.he was the first to break the silence.

"You've noticed it to right"

I sighed to myself and rubbed the side of my face with my hand. "Yeah,I mean I guess we could mabye be jumping to conclusions but I don't know"

"She forgot to eat today and yesterday and she did it a few times last week aswell"

I just looked up at him nodding my head slightly.

"We.........will just have to keep a close eye on her......I guess.nothing more we can do at the moment"

He nodded to me and we both walked back inside just in time to see Courtney walking out,assumingly heading to her trailer to get ready for a scene.

Courtney's pov:

The walk over to my trailer was pretty short.I hoped inside and grabbed my script of the side.the first scene I have today is with Aaron and then after that it's with everyone and later on in the day Scarlett will be coming in to do a few scenes with me.

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