"Not my fault there all dickheads"

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"Yeah I'm sure they will love to see me"I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.Chris laughed to himself. "Don't get on well with school then"I shook my head, "it's not my fault there all dickheads"

Chris's eyes widened, "you wanna rephrase that"he said in a proper dad voice.

"How else do I rephrase that they just all have it in for me"I said shrugging my shoulders at him. "They can't be that bad"he said. "Trust me,they are"

"Right are you guys ready"the director called out to us again making our heads turn.Chris looked at me and I nodded,he then turned back to the director and put his thumbs up to indicate that we were ready.

I sat down on a chair and thought to myself.

What truth was it that Loki was on about.surely someone would have told me if they were keeping something from right.right?I mean why would they lie to me.they have no reason to.

I was sat down with my knees up on the chair and my head was balancing on my kneecaps,I started to zone out at the floor lost in thought.I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear it when Steve entered the room,or when he was calling my name.I only was snapped out of my train of thoughts when Steve's hand landed on my shoulder to grab my attention.

"Huh what did you say sorry"I said now looking at him instead of the floor. "Are you okay I said"Steve said to me you husky being croutcher down on the floor next to me.

"Yeah,no I'm fine w-why wouldn't I be" "I don't know you tell me"he said in a serious tone of voice.

I started at him for a good minute before answering. "I'm fine".Steve sighed to himself and shook his head slightly looking at the floor before falling quiet again.The silence between us was weirdly uncomfortable and I don't know why,it's like he knew something I didn't.and I was going to find out exactly what that something was.

"We're going to stop it there now guys that was good thanks"the directors said as they re watched what we had just acted out on the camera screen in front of them.

"High five kid"Chris said excitedly and raised his hand up high enough so that I could reach it whilst still sat down in the chair.

"Oh I forgot to tell you before we came in here"he paused to stand up, "this Saturday we have a few interviews,the whole cast has got to be there"

"Guess people are finally gonna find out who I am then"I laughed. "Guess so kiddo"

We both walked out of the room and I went to my trailer to grab my bag.as soon as I got into my trailer I grabbed my phone of off the side and checked it for any new messages.

You better be in skl tmo otherwise I'm going to come to your house and drag you there :)

I laughed to myself knowing that she was genuinely being serious.I texted her back saying that I will be in tomorrow since I knew that I wasn't going to be filming.I thought to myself 'wow after Saturday I won't have to lie to her anymore'.I grabbed my bag and made sure everything was in it before I quickly changed back into the clothes that I had originally come in,on.

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