Thursday morning

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The next morning,which was a Thursday,I woke up late because my stupid alarm didn't go off.I work up to my phone buzzing over and over again.I groaned and turned from lying on my front to lying on my back.I sat up and grabbed my phone from under my pillow and answered the call.

"Hello ruby"I said half asleep.

"Girl where the fuck are do realise we have maths next lesson and I can't get through it without you"

"Ugh my stupid alarm didn't go of I'm getting ready now so I'll be there in like an hour"

"Yeah you better be"I roll my eyes and hang up the wake myself up I went straight into the shower and washed my hair and body.I also brushed my teeth in there aswell bc Yk kill 2 birds with 1 stone.anyways straight after I got out I got changed into something comfy and then sat down at my desk which had a mirror attached on to it.

I decided that since I have myself an hour to get ready I was gonna do my makeup and hair properly today instead of my usual get up and go sort of thing.

I grabbed my makeup bag and started putting all my makeup on whilst listening to songs on the phone started buzzing next to me again but it was a number that I didn't recognise.I decided to answer it anyways.I put the phone to my ear and said hello.

"Hey court it's my Lizzie"

"Oh hey Lizzie you okay"

"Yeah was just wondering if you wanted to come with me shopping tomorrow,on me of course"

"Oh yeah sure but you don't have to pay-

"Don't worry about it I have no problem paying.we can look at outfits for Saturdays interview as-well since it will be your first ever one,right?"

"Yep"I said popping the p. "Ok what time do you finish school tomorrow"she asks.I don't even wanna go in today let alone tomorrow.

"I don't think I'll go tomorrow so we can go earlier"I don't hear anything on the other end for a good minute. "Ok then hun make sure you do a lot of work today then to make up for it.oh and make sure you let your parents know to incase they get a call from your school to say you haven't gone in"she laughed.As if they'd give a shit what I do anyways.not even fucking here since they decided to go away on holiday without me.the only way I found out about them actually going away was the morning after they had left.they had left me a little note on the side to say:

Going on holiday you little shit,if you break anything I'll break your fucking face.

Unfortunately,your mother

From my mother that lovely note was from,my dad would absolutely kill my mom if he knew she was saying things like this to me or treating me like this.Unfortunately for me she hides it very well.

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