Finding You part 6 ch 34

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Finding you part 6 ch 34~At Skylar Art Gallery ~ The Quartermaine and Skye and Lorenzo and their children and Carly and Bobbie and Josslyn who was there with Luis Jr and Elizabeth was there.  "Thank you for coming to my first-ever art gallery it's my dream to have this and I hope you like it," Skylar said as everyone clapped. "Skylar you're painting is wonderful," Genevieve said "Yes they are, I'm glad you follow your dreams I used to paint I wish I never gave it up," Elizabeth said "I didn't know that Mother," Carman said "Thanks Elizabeth," Skylar said

Skye was alone getting a drink when someone came behind her. "Can you tell us where Skye Chandler is?"The man said "I'm Skye but I go by Alcazar now" Skye said as she turned around. "Uncle Stuart," Skye said and cried. "Yes it's me," Stuart said as she touched his face. "How did this happen" Skye asked "It's a long story, But I had to come and see you and see you're daughter's show," Stuart said "I'm glad you did, How did you hear about this," Skye asked as Adam and Erica came by. "Adam, Erica Kane," Skye said "Skye, I had to come and see you," Adam said they shared a hug. "How did you know about this "Skye asked as Rae came by. "I told them, I ran into Stuart in the City and I told him about it," Rae said "Oh, I'm glad you both came, Erica why are you here," Skye asked "Adam and I are married," Erica said "Oh wonderful," Skye said "I would like to meet you're children" Adam said "Sure" Skye said "Skye I want to fix things between us" Adam said "I want that too" Skye said

Genevieve was alone looking at a picture when Clinton came by. "Genevieve, Can I buy you a drink" Clinton asked "" Well that's a old line Clinton" Genevieve said "Alright, I'm sorry it is kind of old" Clinton said "Why did you come back to town, If I had a chance to leave this town I don't think I would ever come back" Genevieve said "Things chance" Clinton said "Really like what," Genevieve said Clinton lean Genevieve against the wall. "We sure get to know each other, I know you think you're in love with Alexander but you need to be with more than one man you're young," Clinton said "If I want another man it would not be you, You're nothing but an ignorant ass! Genevieve said "" Oh Genevieve I'm hurt," Clinton said and left.

Alan and Monica were looking at a picture of Skylar when Skylar came by. "Skylar I'm happy for you, You have turned you're life around," Alan said "Thanks Grandfather it helps working on something besides the anger," Skylar said "Yes it is, You have talent," Alan said "Yes you do," Monica said as Skye came by with Adam and Stuart and Erica. "Skylar I want you to meet Stuart Chandler his an artist just like you my talent baby," Skye said "Skylar it's nice to meet you, I'm not as talented as you," Stuart said "It's nice to meet you too," Skylar said "This is Adam Chandler and his wife Erica Kane 'Skye said "Nice to meet you too, I need meet more guest" Skylar said and left. "Adam I want you to meet my father Alan Quartermaine and his wife Monica," Skye said "Nice to meet you," Alan said "You too," Adam said they shook hands.

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