Finding You part 6 ch 4

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Finding you part 6 ch 4~At General Hospital~ Alexander room~ Alexander was being looked at by Emily and Patrick. "This isn't good," Patrick said "I'm going to take care of my son if I have to," Emily said as Nikolas came in. "Emily, What is going on," Nikolas asked "Alexander is burned all over his body, He going to need to go the burn center as my father did but I promise to go with him and make our son better," Emily said "Well he gets better," Nikolas said "Yes," Emily said "Genevieve," Alexander said as he wakes up. "Alexander son, Your father and I are here, We are going to make sure you get better," Emily said "What happened" Alexander asked "The jet caught on fire, Do you remember anything" Nikolas asked "Yes I push Genevieve out of the way," Alexander said "You saved her," Nikolas said "Yes I did, Why does my skin hurt" Alexander ask "Your body was burning all over," Emily said "No, I'm ugly" Alexander ask "No you aren't ugly," Emily said "You're just saying that because you're my mother," Alexander said Alexis came in. "Alexander" Alexis said "Aunt Alexis, Please just all of you go I don't want to see anyone and tell Genevieve it's over," Alexander said "Alexander we don't care what you look like we love you," Nikolas said "Yes we do and we will help you get better don't do the Cassadine thing and push the ones you love away," Alexis said "I just," Alexander said "I know son but you sure rest right now," Nikolas said "Alright" Alexander said

At Genevieve's room~Genevieve was woke up as Skye and Lorenzo came in. "Mother, Daddy, What is going on" Genevieve asked she went to touch the left side of her face which had gauze on it. "What happened to my face? I'm ugly" Genevieve yelled "No princess you're not ugly, Never you just have a burn on your face on the left side and you need to let it heal," Lorenzo said "Oh, Was anything else burned" Genevieve asked "Yes you're back, But you will heal," Skye said "I guess I need to get a nurse to help take care of me," Genevieve said "Genevieve you don't have to do that" Skye said "Mother, Is Alexander alright" Genevieve ask "I don't know, Genevieve we were thinking you don't need a nurse to take care of you" Skye said as Skylar came in. "Genevieve you're alright", Daddy, Mother can I talk to Genevieve alone" Skylar asked "Sure we will go check on Alexander," Skye said they left. "Genevieve I'm glad you're alright, I would hate to," Skylar said as she came by her sister's bed. "I know, How are you doing" Genevieve asked "Great, I've been seeing Dr Collins and Genevieve I moved back home I miss our parents' Skylar said "Why did you do that" Genevieve asked "I will never forget but I have forgive them" Skylar said "You're so easy on them" Genevieve said "Mother wants to take care of you while you recovery" Skylar said "Skylar" Genevieve said "Stop being so stubborn you almost could of" Skylar said "But I didn't, Alexander save me" Genevieve said as Skye came back in. "He saved you," Skye asked "Yes I was close to the fire and Alexander pulled me out of the way," Genevieve said "He loves you," Skye said "Yes I know, Is Alexander alright" Genevieve asked Skye came by Genevieve and touch her hair. "Baby Alexander was burned so bad they had to take him to the center that you're grandparents went but he will get better," Skye said "Can I see him," Genevieve asked "No they just left," Skye said "No," Genevieve said "Baby, Alexander is going to be fine I promise you," Skye said "You want me to move back home don't you" Genevieve ask "Yes I do, I want to take care of you, not a nurse, We were so scarce when we found out about the fire, Please baby let me be a good mother to you and take care of you," Skye said "Alright, It's just till I'm better then I'm moving back to my place," Genevieve said "Sure," Skye said

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