times like these

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-now playing "emails i can't send" by Sabrina Carpenter-

Cove Alora was alone. Finnick and her sisters were at the Capitol, doing their jobs as Victors and Finnick's as a tribute. Now, Cove was never really worried about Finnick's chances in the Games. Obviously, yes, she was terrified for him and for what he would have to go through, but Cove knew Finnick was strong and had great mentors who would teach him everything he needed to know before going into the arena.

His first mentor, Crest, was very well trained in hand-to-hand combat. She won her Games very brutally after spearing her fellow district tribute straight through the eye. She had taken on a couple of her fellow Careers she was once with in the arena, and only came out of the Games with a couple scratches. Crest was also the only sister Cove really trusted, as she seemed to be the only one who saw the Games for what it was, a way to torture and scare the districts into being submissive to the Capitol.

Mags Flanagan, Finnick's second mentor, was wise. She had been the Victor of the 11th Games and had seen it all. She knew what would work in the arena, and what wouldn't. Mags wasn't able to speak very well due to a stroke she had in the past, but still taught a lot to her tributes and gave even the weakest a fighting chance. Mags was also very kind, standing out from the majority of arrogant Career victors.

Koi Hydra was intelligent and graceful. Cove remembered watching Koi's Games when she was little, and how she was able to use psychological warfare as her main weapon. She made every Career turn against each other before the Games had even started, as she whispered lies and rumors to everyone. Once her Games had begun, the Careers, instead of teaming up and taking supplies like usual, killed each other first. Koi came out victorious as she was the only Career and well-trained tribute left. Koi also held herself with grace and poise, smiling for cameras and also knowing when to keep her mouth shut so that those same rumors she spread were never spread about her.

Cove knew Finnick would win, no doubt in her mind.

And so he did.




Cove held her breath as Finnick's score from the Gamemakers was announced, it was high but not high enough to make him a main target. Cove felt like she could breathe a little easier whenever her sisters, aside from Crest who stayed in the Capitol to watch her tributes compete, came home to watch the Games. It was still tense, mainly since Cove didn't volunteer, and apparently the Capitol wouldn't stop talking about how much they loved seeing Cove and Finnick together when he was reaped.

When she first saw Finnick enter the arena, Cove began to shake. What if she had been wrong about him winning? What if he ended up just like Coral?

Her doubts were proven wrong when Finnick stayed with other Careers and seemed to have an alliance with them. Unfortunately, Finnick wasn't able to grab a great weapon before he and the rest of the group were sprinting into a jungle landscape, only having a small dagger. This worried Cove, until she saw that he was gifted a trident, the most expensive gift to have been given to a tribute thus far. The end of the Games was coming quickly as she saw Finnick break away from the group and start trapping other tributes in vines before killing them with his trident.

Finnick Odair was quickly crowned Victor.




Cove had gotten permission to go to the Capitol and be one of the firsts to see Finnick before his post-Games interview with Caesar, apparently something about President Snow enjoying seeing them together when Finnick was reaped.

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