the fall of cove odair

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-now playing "How Did It End?" by Taylor Swift-

Cove Odair watched from the ground as Katniss Everdeen climbed up into a tall tree, wanting to scope out their position in the arena. The four had been on the move, worried that the loud explosion from Peeta hitting the forcefield would draw their enemies in closer.

Cove kept her eye on the blonde teen boy, seeing him try to hide the constant looks around him and his allies, as if he was constantly on the edge of his seat, waiting for the arena to attack them again. She was just about to reassure the boy when Katniss came back down.

"The forcefield, it's a dome. We're at the edge of the arena. I couldn't find any signs of fresh water," the brunette teen said, looking down at Peeta.

Finnick sat in thought for a second before speaking up, "It's going to get dark soon. We'll be safe with our backs protected; we should set up camp, take turns sleeping. I can take first watch."

Katniss huffed out a laugh, grabbing Cove's attention from where she sat on the forest floor beside Peeta, "Not a chance."

Finnick immediately straightened at the implication, grabbing his trident and standing up, his tall frame towering over all of them, "Honey, that thing my wife and I did back there for Peeta? That was called 'saving his life'. If I wanted to kill either of you, I would've done it by now."

Katniss stared at Finnick's retreating form, eyes on his sharp trident before turning to look at Peeta, "Why don't you get some rest? I'll take first watch."

Peeta looked over at Cove, who still sat beside his leg.

"You should take the chance. Finnick and I aren't going to kill you guys," the older blonde woman said softly, exhausted from the first day of the Games.

Finnick walked back over to the group after calming his anger, holding out his hand for his wife to grab, "You need to get some rest, too, Covey," he added dominantly, leaving no room for discussion.

"Just for a little bit," Peeta replied softly.




It felt impossible for Cove to sleep on the humid and damp jungle floor. She logically knew she was safe with Peeta sleeping only one foot away from her, and Finnick and Katniss watching them both like hawks, but something felt off to her. Maybe it was because the bugs were a lot more active at night, flying around her face and just being loud, or maybe it was because Cove wasn't used to sleeping without Finnick beside her.

The girl groggily stood, using her sleeves to wipe the sweat off of her face before walking over to where her husband and ally sat. Finnick immediately stood, worried on why his wife wasn't resting.

"It's too hot and I feel overstimulated," Cove complained as her husband drew her into his chest, sitting her down on his lap.

Katniss let out a soft smile at her words, going to say something before being cut off by the Panem Anthem playing loudly, a hologram being displayed at the top of the arena. Cove groaned at the loud sound, feeling even more sticky from the sweat, before reluctantly prying her head off of her husband's chest to look at the sky.

Cove felt a pang in her chest as she looked at the fallen Victors, many of whom she had known for years considering her family constantly being in the spotlight at the Capitol.

"Eight," Katniss said bluntly as the hologram display ended, making Cove laugh.

"Guess you're not so upset about us not holding hands anymore, huh?" the woman laughed, remembering Katniss getting on to Finnick earlier for being blunt.

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