teenage dream

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-now playing "teenage dream" by Olivia Rodrigo-

The first two days of training had gone by in a flash. Cove stayed to herself, not trying to make any friends so she couldn't get attached to them. She also didn't show off too much of her skills to the other tributes, not wanting to reveal her strengths. She actually thought it was kind of funny to pretend as if she didn't know how to wield a trident or throw knives. Finnick had made sure that she knew how to at least use any weapon that could be in the arena, he didn't want her to be defenseless.

Cove had also still thought something had happened to Rush. He was still oddly kind to her and would spar with her during their training time. She would have to act like she didn't know what to do, but she still appreciated the practice. Rush would also sit beside her during their meals and try to talk about a "game plan" that he wanted to have with her. His game plan included him grabbing supplies from the Cornucopia and being able to protect her alongside the careers. Cove raised her eyebrows in shock at the comment that they would be in an alliance with the careers.

"Don't you guys think it would be better to work together, just you two?" Koi asked as Finnick stayed silent, clenching his jaw at the so called "plan".

"Look, I talked to the other careers, they all want to work with Cove and I. We are all going to split off at the end. It's a simple plan," Rush argued as he sat forward. He and Cove were about to go down for their individual assessments with the Gamemakers.

"The careers are like sharks, we are always going to be the odd ones out. That's what made it so easy for me to split from them," Finnick said calmly. Rush just sighed in response, immediately getting up from the table when it was time for them to go for their assessment.

Finnick pulled Cove aside before she left. "Please be careful around him. I don't like the way that he and Lux were looking at you before the parade," he whispered in her ear, keeping his eyes on Rush's back.

"I don't know, Fin. I mean his gameplan sounds solid. I would be in a dominating group and then split off at the end, and I know for sure I could take them on. If it gets tricky, Rush and I will split. And plus, what's the worst thing he can do?" Cove said back, trying to give Rush the benefit of the doubt.




When it was Cove's turn for her individual assessment, she felt nervous. She knew she had a big reputation with her last name and knew that the entirety of Panem would be watching for her score. As she walked into the room, she passed Rush who gave her an encouraging smile and squeezed her hand. Cove then took notice of how the Gamemakers immediately stood and watched her walk toward the weapon stand. She took notice of all the weapons, all that she has trained with per Finnick's training. She was also reminded of her sisters and what weapon they chose to use in the arena, the weapon they were remembered by. She saw an ax, and then saw Pearl. A spear, Wavie. A bow and arrow, Crest. Throwing knives, Marina. And then she saw a katana and thought of Coral. Coral had always spoke of how that would be her chosen weapon in the arena, something that stood out from the rest of her sisters, something cutthroat. Cove took a deep breath, seemingly enraptured by the weapon before grabbing it and twirling it. She knew it would be her weapon. It would be her chance to carry Coral with her throughout the games, to bring her justice. This is what Pearl meant by winning and bringing Coral home with her.

Cove noticed how the Gamemakers seem to watch closer as she twirled the weapon. Cove still knew that she had to get a semi-low score so no one would see her as a huge threat, so she just sliced a mannequin a couple times before setting the weapon down. She looked back up to the Gamemakers to see them look disappointed, watching closer to see if there was anything else she would do. They thought she would do something they had never seen, something brutal like her sisters did in previous years. Cove made eye contact for a few moments with the one she assumed to be the head of the group before smiling and bowing. The rest of her audience looked taken aback before she walked out of the room and was escorted back to the District Four apartment in the Tribute Center.

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