bad blood

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-now playing "Bad Blood (Taylor's Version) [feat. Kendrick Lamar]" by Taylor Swift-

Cove Alora watched as the rest of the Careers finally fled, realizing that the girl was a lot stronger than they thought if she had taken down Lux. With a heavy sigh, she swam out of the red lagoon, grabbing her backpack and katana, before pulling herself onto the flower-covered land. She laid with her back to the ground, looking up to the blue sky. With Lux dead, there were twelve of them left, eleven without including herself.

Cove laid in silence catching her breath, thinking of her home. She tried to think of Finnick, her sisters, her parents, even Koi to get her mind off of the blood coating her body and the dead Lux floating a couple feet in front of her. She wanted to scream and curl up into a ball to hide away from the world, but she knew she couldn't. Cove had hoped that she could've allied with the Careers for a little longer, hoping they would turn on each other or taken out more tributes so she wouldn't have to kill as many people to get home.

She then remembered how easily Rush turned on her, this is why Koi advised to stay away from the Careers, Cove must've forgotten that Rush was a Career, too. She shouldn't have trusted him; she should've listened to her gut, she should've listened to Finnick. Her sisters easily led the Careers in their Games, but Cove took a different approach. She assumed her sweet act made her seem more of a target to the Careers than if she exposed her real skills.

As Cove sat thinking of all the things she should've done differently, she remembered that she was still in the Game, and she would've been a main target either way she played her cards. She was an Alora for crying out loud, everyone was expecting her to win.

And that's when Cove realized, she was a Career, too. And who better to take down every Career than a Career herself.

Something shifted in her brain again, her vision going hazy and a bit red. She felt her adrenaline increase and her mind clear. Cove realized it that was her mind blocking out all of her emotions, making her ready to kill, letting her take down anything that stood in her path of getting back home to Finnick. She would process killing other kids later, now was her time to focus on winning.

So, Cove sat up and had a glare in her eyes. Her mind on autopilot of finding the Careers and taking them down. She was almost dried from the water, the blood staining her skin and hair, making her look like something from a horror movie. She threw her backpack on her back and unsheathed her katana. Cove walked away from the lagoon, not turning back to look at Lux's body. In her mind that was just one less tribute in her way.

The hunted was becoming the hunter.




As Cove walked, she realized that the Careers would probably have left the spring section of the arena, leading her to walking towards the winter section. As she crossed over from the green grass to the deep snow, she heard three more canon blasts. Cove assumed that either the Careers found a group of tributes to take down, or it was a fight between the other tributes.

8 left to kill.

She kept near the rocky walls of the foot of the mountains, hoping it would give her some type of camouflage. Cove looked for any flash of the Careers, more specifically the red hair of Velvet. She passed sharp ice spikes, glistening as the sunlight hit them. She was starting to shiver, thankful for the thick socks and windbreaker she had on.

As she kept walking for a couple more minutes through the snowy terrain, she began to see spots of blood. Cove then noticed that the small dots began to turn into pools the more she walked. The blonde began to cautiously look around, wondering what the blood was coming from. As she followed the trail, it suddenly stopped. Cove was confused because she didn't see a body anywhere.

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