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-now playing "traitor" by Olivia Rodrigo-

Cove Alora was sure she was in shock. After leaving Chrome near the Cornucopia, she was ready to get these cursed Games over with. So, she marched right into the fall section of the arena, high winds making her hair fly behind her as she walked. She didn't even know if Rush was even in this section, she could possibly run into Velvet, but she wanted to leave no section unexplored. This time she didn't care about being quiet or going unnoticed, she wanted Rush to see her. To feel the fear that she had pushed down, to feel the fear of being hunted. Cove Alora wanted revenge.

Cove felt like she was the only true Career in her game. She was bloodthirsty, hellbent on vengeance, and she was the only one who was truly surviving. Even when she had almost been killed by strangulation by Lux, stabbed by Celleste, speared by Chrome, she still didn't stop fighting. And that is the sole reason she was alive. Her determination.

So, the blonde practically stormed into the windy hills, leaves crunching under her feet, hunting for the blonde boy anywhere. "Rush! Don't be scared, if you come out now, it won't hurt as bad!" she screamed ferociously into the air, mimicking the words Lux had told her the day before.

If only Cove noticed how the roles had switched, she was the main killer in these Games. No longer the scared little girl.

Finally, she saw Rush. He was standing facing towards her on the top of a hill, wind blowing through his hair. She saw him remain unsteady, with the force of wind weighing on the two kids. Cove smirked as she immediately walked up the leaf-covered hill.

Rush took a step back, holding his trident in front of him. He had a deep frown on his face.

"Aw, Rush. Don't tell me you're scared. You should've known this was coming," Cove laughed as she pulled her katana out of its sheath.

"You're a liar too, Cove. You said you weren't skilled. You said you had no experience," Rush said back bitterly.

"These are the fucking Hunger Games. Do you seriously think anyone, especially an Alora, would come into the Games, hell, even volunteer without being prepared? You should've known the second I raised my hand in the crowd that I was going to be your biggest threat," Cove snapped, looking at the traitor with a glare in her eyes. "I just didn't think you would try to bet on my own life to try to fit into the Career pack," she finished.

"C'mon Covey, like you said, these are The Hunger Games, and I'm just trying to win," Rush tried to level with her.

Cove stared at the boy, tilting her head to the side. "How do you like your chances now?" the girl asked menacingly.

Rush immediately glared before lunging at her. The two kids immediately rolled down the steep hill, Cove landing on top of him. She immediately punched him in the face repeatedly. But she quickly lost her upper hand as Rush threw the girl off of him harshly.

"C'mon Covey, you don't have to be like that," Rush taunted as he stood above the girl, rubbing his jaw.

"Don't fucking call me that," Cove screamed as she swung her legs out and kicked his legs out from underneath him, making him fall on the floor.

Cove was now the one above him, staring at his bloody nose from her punches a few moments ago as she picked up her katana.

"There's nothing special about you or Finnick. You'll always be just another Victor if you win. Just another name," Rush spit at her.

"As long as it isn't your name being called as Victor, I'm okay with being just another name. Because at the end of the day, you'll always be just another tribute," Cove muttered to him before swinging her katana down on him, a canon echoing in the distance.

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