don't blame me

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-now playing "Don't Blame Me" by Taylor Swift-

Cove Alora woke up confused in a bright white room. She looked down, seeing herself in a all white hospital gown with a iv attached to her arm, fluids flowing into her veins. Cove didn't know where she was, or even if she was alive. All she remembered was beheading Velvet and being announced as the newest Victor before she lost consciousness in the waves.

If she truly was dead, was this heaven? Is heaven supposed to look like a hospital?

Cove was about to rip the needle out of her vein before the door across from her opened, revealing an old woman with grey hair.

"Oh good, you're awake," the woman lightly smiled before coming over to Cove and taking out her iv.

"Where am I?" the young girl croaked out, her voice hoarse.

"Oh silly girl, you're in the Capitol," the woman laughed before raising Cove up to check the bandages wrapped around her stomach.

"So, I'm not dead?" the girl asked, watching the nurse pull up her gown to undo the gauze around her stomach.

"You almost were, but you are definitely a fighter. You lost a lot of blood and you ended up going into shock after collapsing into the ocean. Thankfully, we have the best doctors here. We wouldn't dream of losing our newest Victor," the woman said, revealing a scar-free stomach.

Cove was stunned, there was not even a slight bit of irritation around the area. It was like she had never been stabbed at all. She then looked down at her wrapped hand, seeing no sign of mutilation from Celleste's blade.

"Can I see Finnick?" is the only thing Cove could ask. She was overwhelmed with everything that had happened to her. She had just fought to the death, had almost died herself, and now she was healed as if it never happened at all?

"Not yet, your stylists are about to come get you ready for your interviews as soon as I tell them you're cleared. Which seeing as everything healed correctly, you are," the older woman smiled again.

"How long have I been out for?" Cove asked the woman, confused on why the interviews were so sudden.

"You've been out for two days, but you're body was under an immense amount of stress so it's understandable," the nurse said softly before typing on her computer.

"What about my sisters? Can I see them?" the girl begged, her eyes filling with tears, feeling immense amounts of panic. It was like all of her actions were finally catching up to her, all of the emotions she repressed.

"You might be able to after your interview. After your stylists get you ready, you are permitted to see your mentors only, but I have no clue about family or other Victors," the nurse said before leaving the room.

So Cove Alora sat, feeling a tightness in her chest as she thought about the people, no, children she had killed to get to where she was. She curled her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees before finally sobbing with the might of a thousand gods.




After Cove had finished sobbing, there was a knock on the door. She perked up, hoping it would be Finnick. The door finally slowly opened, revealing Luna.

"What did I tell you, I'm always right," the woman softly joked before walking into the room, before seeing the young girl's red swollen eyes.

Cove just stared at the woman before breaking out into sobs again. The woman immediately went over to the girl's side, sitting beside her and rubbing her back.

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