unnecessary violence

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-now playing "unnecessary violence" by Nessa Barrett-

Cove Alora was in shock, all of her sisters immediately flooded Pearl's office as she sat still. She could faintly hear her sisters asking her questions, but she mainly heard ringing. The ringing drowned everything else out, except her own thoughts.

What if she ended up like Coral? How did she even stand up to Snow like that? If she died, everyone else would too. She can't let her sisters down. She can't let the Capitol down. She can't let Finnick down.

Cove finally came to when Crest took a hold of her face. "What happened?" Crest kept repeating sternly as she clutched the thirteen-year-old's face.

"I made a d-deal," Cove stuttered, face stoic as she finally made eye contact with Crest and the rest of her sisters. All of their faces paled.

"I feel sick," Wavie said as she clutched her stomach, heading towards the door to the office. 

Marina followed, "Yeah I need air," she said fanning herself.

"Everyone fucking focus," Crest snapped at her sisters.

"Crest is right. What deal did you make Cove?" Pearl asked gently, the softest Cove had ever heard her speak.

"I will be a Victor in the next Games in exchange for you guy's and Finnick's safety and security," Cove quietly said as she remained emotionless.

It was silent, until it was not.

Crest angrily pushed Pearl's desk to the ground. Marina started sobbing as she collapsed onto the ground. Wavie ran out of the room. And Pearl, Pearl was the worst.

Pearl started crying as she pulled Cove into an embrace, their first one in years. Cove was still, letting Pearl wrap her arms around her.

"I'm so sorry, Cove. I'm so sorry," Pearl repeated as she held Cove's face to her chest.

"You should be sorry Pearl; this is your fault! I bet you're happy now, aren't you? You're getting your wish of redemption and of a Victor family," Crest shouted at Pearl as she threw more things around the office.

"Of course I'm not happy, Crest, as much as you love to villainize me, I would never wish Cove to be involved with Snow. I just never wanted us to worry about struggling again. I wanted us to be secure," Pearl said as she gently walked away from Cove.

"Well, you got your security, even if it meant throwing our little sisters into a deathmatch," Crest bit as she got into Pearl's face.

"Woah, how is this her fault?" Wavie suddenly walked back in, getting in between the two sisters.

"Since the beginning she has been forcing us into this Victor narrative. If she didn't volunteer and practically force the image of a Victor family down the Capitol's throat, we could've had a decent chance of being a semi-normal family. I mean, we would've been set living off of one Victor's budget. If Pearl hadn't made the Capitol glorify us, we wouldn't have a dead sister," Crest said, darkly as she got into Wavie's face. Pearl just looked down, looking ashamed.

"I've gotta go," Cove said as she suddenly looked up, quickly walking around the broken pieces of glass and wood Crest had left in the midst of her anger. The other sisters quickly protested against it, wanting her to stay to develop a plan.

Cove shoved past her sisters ignoring their calls and shouts of worry. The only thing on her mind was Finnick.

What if she left Finnick alone? What if she died as Finnick watched? What if she died and Finnick wasn't granted safety and security?




Walking to Finnick's house felt like it took an eternity, even if it was only two doors down. As she crept upon the porch of the house, she stopped. What was Finnick going to do? What would he say? Usually Cove would just walk in, that's how Finnick liked it. He wanted her to feel comfortable in his home, she practically lived there now. But she felt like it was a time to knock.

As soon as her knuckles knocked on the door, the door was immediately opened.

"Oh, thank God, Covey. I was so worried about you," Finnick said as he quickly pulled her into his arms. "What did Snow want?" Finnick said, a look of disdain on his face.

"Let's sit down," Cove said as she practically dragged him to his living room couch.

All this time Cove felt numb, she hadn't processed what she had just done, what deal she had just made. A deal with the devil. But with one look at Finnick's concerned face, his blue eyes scanning her's as she finally looked up at him, she felt it all. The fear, the anxiety, the sadness, the anger, all of it. And like an old dam, she broke, water flooding out of her eyes.

"Finny," Cove sobbed as Finnick immediately pulled her against him.

"Cove what happened? Did he hurt you? I swear-" Finnick angrily said as he grabbed her face.

"I'm volunteering for the next Games," Cove cried as she wet his shirt with her tears. Finnick stopped his questions immediately going silent.

"No. No, Cove. No, you're not," the boy stated as he got up from his spot on the couch, pacing in front of the girl.

"I made a deal, Finnick," the girl said, "I volunteer and win in exchange for my sister's and your safety and security," she finished.

If looks could kill, Cove Alora would be dead.

Finnick immediately pulled her up from the couch and held her in front of him. "No, you don't get to fucking do that Cove. You don't get to play with your life just to keep me safe. I'm supposed to be the one protecting you, not the other way around. Do you hear me?" he bitterly said, "I love you, Cove. I cannot, no- I will not, lose you. You are all I have left. My family doesn't even fucking talk to me anymore, they despise who I was in the Games and who I came to be. You are the only thing I have left, and I will not lose you," he finished.

Cove just stared at him, feeling like she was drowning in his green eyes. "Finny, the deal was made. I can't take it back," she said as she held his face. "But I promise you, I will win. I will come back to you. I love you, Finnick and you are my family. I'm not leaving you," she cried to him.

"I will do everything in my power to come back to you Finnick," Cove said. "I may have not been ready, but I am now. Nothing will stop me from coming back," the girl said, a strange fire in her eyes.

"Do you remember what you said to me on the day of my reaping? Right before I got on the train?" He asked her. "I don't care what you have to do, I will never judge you or look at you different. I just need you to come home to me," Finnick said as he put their foreheads together.

Cove nodded, not being able to speak past the lump in her throat.

"I'll train you, your sisters will too, but you are going to win Cove Alora. You will be the 66th Victor," the boy said, no doubt in his mind.

And there it was, the beginning of a new Victor's tale as Cove Alora stayed in Finnick Odair's arms, both feeling a blaze in not only their mind, but in their hearts.





-the end of Part 1A-

*hey besties, just wanting to say that I changed Finnick's family from being dead to just not talking to him. He's already got trauma and I didn't wanna add to it, even if being ignored by your family is/can be traumatic. Plus, Finnick will not be sold because of the deal Cove made for his safety and security, so Snow would have never had to kill his family to get him to comply. Also please keep commenting and voting, I love it.
Live Laugh Slay,

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