Chapter 1 Act I

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It was already noon and you just stood there by the bridge where you and the redhead detective had agreed to meet up. It has been over a month since you and Heizou had been meeting by the bridge and every time you both had finished a book to share together, the both of you then would start exchanging mystery novels, and send each other's insights and feedbacks. Basically, you both are like having a book club together in every other day.

"He's a bit late today.." You muttered to yourself while leaning on the railings of the bridge. A moment after, both of your eyes then were covered by a certain someone's firm hands.

"Guess who~?" You hear him whisper right by your ear, which made you flinch a bit and you could feel the blood slowly rushing to your cheeks.

"M-Mr. Shikanoin... Don't startle me like that..." You slowly remove Heizou's hands from your eyes and turned around as you try to shake off the blush from your face.

He stepped back and chuckled. "Oh cmon y/n, you don't have to keep being formal around me. Just Heizou will do" He raised a finger up while his other hand is over his hip.

You just sighed in response then sheepishly smiled at him. "I really can't help it, but I'll try to get used to it"

He then nodded at your reply and handed you a novel that you had lent to him the other day, he must have finished reading it already.

"I apologize for being late, Madame Kujou has been nagging me about the cases I've been skipping over these past few days" He playfully stick his tongue out with a wink while sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"I'm surprised that a well-renowned detective such as yourself is slacking off.." You were dumbfounded and blinked for a moment while unbelievably imagining that this sharp-witted man is not as diligent to his job.

"Well, I wouldn't call it slacking off, but rather giving the opportunity to those... Who are well-suited for the job" He crossed his arms and kept his head up. Even you thought that he was just making up an excuse.

You sighed with a light smile as you slowly shook your head. "So how was the book?" You held up the book that he had returned to you just now.

"It was nice, a perfect starter novel for those who are still new to the mystery genre. Although I would like to point out that there are a couple of loopholes to the story, but I guess it would ruin the fun of the plot if it were to go that way" He slightly shrugged and you just nodded along while listening to his comment.

"Anyways, I won't be here in our meet-up spot for the next two weeks. I actually just received a commission that requires a long-term investigation, so now I'm just letting you know so you won't suddenly start to wonder where I went off to and be disappointed for not showing up"

"Oh.. I see, I understand" You nodded your head but for some reason, you feel like you wanted to spend more time with him.

'I mean.. Two weeks isn't really that long.. Right?' You thought while trying to convince yourself. Oh if only you could tag along in the investigation, but what can an amateur detective even do to help?

"I could ask for your assistance, but I'm pretty sure a certain someone wouldn't be happy once she finds out that you've been spending your time with me" He added and you suddenly snapped out of your thoughts.

"Eh? How did you know—"

"—That you work under Sango's Detective agency? I have my ways~" He gave a sly grin.

"Now I'm starting to think that you're just a stalker" You teasingly sighed as you rest over the bridge railings, to which then the detective immediately protested.

"Hey now– learning even the tiniest bit of information on a person's background is a needed skill for a detective" He lightly pouted then you giggled.

"Just teasing.." You gave him a side-glance with a smile on your face. "I guess I'll see you in two weeks?"

"Mhm, be sure not to miss me too much~" He lightly ruffled your hair before he walked away.

"Wh- hey!" You held your head and pouted while watching him walk away. By the time he's already gone from your sight, you sighed to yourself and looked down on the river below the bridge.

"I guess I should ask Sango for some cases to work on to keep myself busy.." You muttered and went to the agency.


"Ho? Is this the new y/n I'm seeing right now? You seem to be pretty bold for suddenly asking for a long-term case. Did something happen, hm~?" Your female senior grinned at you as you sweatdropped.

"I-It's nothing really... I just feel like taking on.. Something challenging..?" You nervously gulped.

Sango then lightly hit your head with a case file. "Don't get too carried away by your thirst for challenge. Then again, it could help broaden your horizon and sharpen your detective skills so I'll allow it this time" She then handed you the case file she held.

You opened up the case file and checked the information in it.

"Now, before you complain about the details, let me remind you that this is what—"

"I'll take it!"

"—you asked for... Huh?" She paused and looked at you while blinking a few times for a moment. "Did you even read the information right? Are you sure you're up for the task?" She placed both hands on her hips.

"Mhm!" You enthusiastically nodded your head.

"... Are you really sure?"

"No doubt!"

There was an awkward silence in the room for a moment as Ryuuji was passing by in the background while carrying a box.

It didn't take long before Sango sighed and scratched her head. "You're a strange one, you know that?"

You chuckled at her remark and kept the file in your bag. "I'll go and start preparing my stuff for the investigation, see ya, Sango! Ryuuji!" You then hurried out of the agency while waving farewell to your seniors.

"Good luck, y/n!" Ryuuji shouted from across the room.

It took a few hours to finish preparing then you start to flop down on your futon whilst sighing in exhaustion.

"Finally finished cleaning up my room... And packing my stuff.. I guess I could bring a book or two with me in case I get bored..."

You then reached out to your bag to take out the case file and review the details.

"Missing people from Borou village... Last seen at the shores of Watatsumi Island..." You muttered while flipping through the pages and check the list of the missing people.

"That and nothing else.. Guess I could start off by asking the locals there.." You then closed the file and slowly put it back in your bag before getting up from your futon.

You tied your Dendro vision to your obi securely and checked if there was anything else you need to take with you. When that was taken care of, you then started heading out of your house and went to the port to take a boat to Watatsumi Island.

As soon you finally reached the port, you had run into someone unexpected.

"What do you mean I can't get on the boat? Do you even know who you're talking to??" The certain figure slicked back his long silver hair before huffing and placed his hands on his hips.

You were dumbfounded as you never expected that you would meet him here.

-End of Act I-

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